Claire is nine months old. She is such an active kid, always on the go. She no longer lays nicely when we change her diaper. It is quite the challenge. She is getting rather quick at crawling, so we have to move just as quickly to keep her out of where she doesn't belong--the fridge, cupboards, etc. Developmentally, she is right on track or maybe a bit advanced in our biased eyes. She crawls, pulls herself up, is beginning to move from one piece of furniture to another, mostly eats table food, and imitates us (both in the noises we make or actions--knocking on a door). When we hold her hands, she is beginning to take steps without much guidance. On Saturday, she made her first attempt to climb a step. Sadly, it ended with her sliding down. She has three teeth--two on the bottom, one on top with another coming in on top.
Ten things we love about her:
1. her smile
2. her curiosity
3. the way she holds our hands or her own hands when she sleeps
4. her easy-goingness
5. her kisses
6. the way she wrinkles her nose
7. her laugh
8. her clapping
9. her love of outside
10. EVERYTHING--this kiddo is the greatest gift we've ever received!!
Her stats:
height--27 inches (50th %ile)
weight--17.4 pounds (25 %ile)
head circumference--44.5 cm
Love ya,
Love ya,