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8 months

Somewhere in between flashes of time, you turned 8 months old! We've had an amazing month. You've become so aware and interested of everything around you. I tease that you are JUST like your sisters--nosey, nosey, nosey. You flash smiles to all that look your way. You are so eager to see what is going on and afraid you may miss something amazing. Needless to say, walking through the BX or some other place in our little community is exciting for you. You sit back and take it all in!
This month you refined your crawl. You are able to actually crawl, but still have convinced yourself that the low, army crawl is where it's at.
You pull yourself up. ALL. THE. TIME. Everything is fair game now as you are reaching and discovering all the wonderful things you can find. Your sisters are beginning to learn the hard way the reprocusions of not putting their things away. I love it!
You walk along the couch, occasionally saunter over to the coffee table, then make your way across to the loveseat. You are all over the place.
Babbling is filling our house. You are saying "dadadada, mammama, babababa." While I wouldn't call any of that your first word, others may argue. I am holding out for that first time you reach for me while saying "mamama." That will be the symphony to my soul, dear boy. I can't wait.
You have been teething like a mad man. Your eye teeth have popped through, following your cousin Luke's pattern of teeth growth. You look like a vampire of sorts, but the middle ones are making their way through as well. It has been a non-stop pattern. You are taking it like a champ though. You fuss a bit more than usual, get a little clingier to your Daddy and I, but all in all, are your happy self.
You still LOVE baths and eating. We've moved to giving you real food vs. puree and you are in heaven! Even if we feed you a puree, you still end up reaching and grabbing our food anyway. You know you are missing out on something fabulous ;) We bathe you in the kitchen sink, more or less for our own convenience, but I am afraid that will be coming to an end soon. You are getting too big!!
You were 9 month clothing, have light brown/dark blonde hair that keeps us guessing and those blue eyes are sticking around. Beautiful, beautiful boy.
We moved you out of your infant carseat and you couldn't be happier.
We love you, sweet boy. You are such a gift to our family. It has been such fun watching you grow and change. We are thankful for each and every day, trying to do our best to relish in every moment for we know how quickly they pass.
Grow slowly,


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