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2 lines=baby

Chris and I decided to take the leap, trying for baby #2 last month. Who would have guessed it would be a "done deal" so quickly?!! Mmmmm Hmmm. You guessed it. We.are. We will be a family of 5 with 2 kids under---dare I say....2! That sounds crazy! Claire will actually be 22 months when the kiddo arrives and she is already "Miss Independent," so I think she'll be just fine. But as I look at the two pretty lines on that bright white stick, a bit of nervousness finds me. I know it is early to analyze every piece of this situation, but I can't help but ask the question that Chris has been asking me since Claire was born--"Will I love my second child as much as the first?" I used to think he was insane asking such a thing, but I find myself in the same frame of mind. I love Claire so much. She really is my life. I live to make her happy, actually, each minute not spent on myself is spent on her. Obviously, the answer to the question must be "yes" or there would be alot more only child families out there. Right? My second worry is not being able to give Claire the attention she needs. On the other hand, Claire loves watching kids and will soon be at the point where she is ready to play with others. Chris and I both recognize the need for a playmate. We enjoyed having siblings growing up who were always available to play. To this day my sisters are my best friends. I can only hope the same for Claire. She'll have a support system like no other. So with my worries, I will also leave you with a few pictures. We are very excited for this huge change.


Anonymous said…
What wonderful news. You are such a great mommy! I SO enjoyed seeing you and Claire in June, even though it was not a happy time overall. Your Claire is a special, sweet, happy little girl, and that is a reflection of you guys as parents. Can't wait to meet the next one. Love, Aunt Karen
Anonymous said…
CONGRATS GUYS! Thanks for the immediate call-you know how much I appreciate being in the know!
Ilove ya guys..move to Montana! I would be happy to be your nanny!!!
Love ya,
Anonymous said…
wait a minute...who took the picture? Let me guess a timer..wonder how many tries that took!! HA ha..

Love ya, Jessica
Anonymous said…
Awesome...I am excited to be an auntie again. Wish you lived closer. How about Minneapolis?? Just a suggestion.
Erin&Joshua said…
my goodness! It must have been the Acadia trip that brought you such good luck!
Anonymous said…
CONGRATULATIONS!! You two are going to do great. You will find a reserve of love you never knew existed. You will never be able to love them exactly the same all the time, but you will see that you will love them with every once of love you have. Dreams, fears, anticipation and anxiety are all part of being a parent. If you do not have these for your children, then you start worrying. But you guys will do awesome. I am so excited for you. Let us know if yall need anything.

Love ya's,
Uncle Dan & the fam.
Anonymous said…
Just had a chance to check out the blog today -- You crazy kids 2 under 2!!! Congratulations!! Let me tell you that two is a challenge, but you really do love the 2nd just as much as the first. Loved seeing you this summer Kara!! I'll talk to you soon.

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