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chris and i have been trying to figure out what to do with mya. well, only in regards to her sleeping. otherwise, she is perfect. simply perfect. sleeping is a whole other story. she has her moments where she sleeps through the night. then there are other times where she is up every four hours. we've been trying to figure out a pattern, do what we can to ensure she'll not be hungry and wake up during the night, and keep her up later. nothing seems to matter. her doctor claims that at nine months, there is no physiological reason as to waking during the night. she shouldn't have to eat. with that being said and some encouragement from our friends, we bit the bullet and went ahead to ferberize her. we had already begun the process months ago by putting her to sleep. she is a pro with this. the issue is strictly waking during the night. so, with a plan in place, we gave it a try on saturday night. she woke for 10 minutes or so at 11:00 and then 2:00 rolled around. she cried bloody murder for one hour straight. i ended up leaving and going to lay with claire so that she wouldn't wake up. chris stayed and fought the battle. i have to give him credit because i would have given in, but he held strong and ended victoriously. she slept until 7 sunday morning. yippee. i was getting ready for my book club on sunday morning when claire told me to be quiet because mya was sleeping. i asked where and she pointed to the living room. i entered the room and the above pictures show what i saw. poor thing. she was tuckered out from her rough night. last night was a bit better. she woke up briefly around 11 again and at 4:30. he did feed her a little (she last around 7) and put her back to bed. we had to wake her this morning. little by little it seems to be getting better. keeping our fingers crossed for continued progress and restful sleep for all.


Anonymous said…
Good luck with that......Kennen still wakes up every night and won't go back to bed on his own ever - he's a pain. If we let him cry he always wakes up Abby then she's crabby Abby for school the next day. I don't know what to do with the kid. UGH!!
Hugs Nicole
Kara said…
Hey Nickeroo...I hear your pain. The bedroom set up you have is a problem simliar to our situation. That is exactly why I went to sleep with Claire. Not ideal, but it worked. Last night was even better. She cried at 11, we fed her, changed her diaper and she slept until we woke her around 6:15. It was awesome. I need my sleep, so this is a rather selfish plan. Any word on the Montana trip?? I really want to see you and Kev/kiddos too.
Kara said…
wait...aren't you in Cali right now?? if so, what are you doing checking out my blog. Go have some fun!!
Anonymous said…
Hi -- don't leave until next Tues. I wrote you a little note on facebook on'll have to check it out.
Erin said…
You made me google your title and so I learned a new word! Gotta love blogs :)
me`me` said…
Chris, you would also fall asleep everywhere. I laughed when I saw Mya sleeping on the floor.
You went through a time when you would not sleep through the night. (you woke up every 2 hours until you were at least a year old.) Anyway, during the day, you would whimper a little and then I would find you in the strangest places snoozing. I used to feel so bad. You stopped after awhile.

Thanks guys for the memories.

love you
Unknown said…
Oh, sweet Mya-- is her head under the couch?
April said…
Ooops-- blogger is calling me "bloom" I need to pay attention to my sign in! Hope all is well!

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