Chris and I had a doctor's appointment Wednesday, July 11, 2007 where we learned the possibility of a 9 pound 3 oz baby. Our doctor discussed the option of scheduling a C-section right away or giving a vaginal delivery a try with the possibility of a C-section being the end result. We scheduled an induction for Friday, July 13, 2007. Good thing I am not superstitous, although, if we weren't expecting a houseful of family in a week, I may have re-thought that date. Anyway, on Friday, Chris and I arrived at the hospital at 7:00 am. Petocin was started around 8:00. I began to feel the contractions, but no pain. Contractions were close together, but since there was no pain, the nurse indicated dilation most likely wasn't taking place at a rapid rate. The doctor came in for an exam, only to find that I was still only 2 cm dilated. She attempted to rupture the membranes to speed up the labor process, but the attempt was not successful. Chris and I were awake at 4:15 am, ant...