This blog is my journal. It is the place that captures my thoughts, feelings and memories. My hope is it will be where my children will gather together to reflect, revisit and savor when memories fade. I came across a journal project where you essentially journal on a given topic. I remember receiving a journal from my parents when I was about 12 or so. We were just beginning our East Coast vacation, which was a 2 week road trip. I remember writing what I saw, what I loved, what was totally crazy to me (naked sunbathers on a roof in NYC), and private (well, not so private as I would find out--with sisters, nothing is private) thoughts thereafter. That focus faded as many things do. I bit off more than I could chew. However, as an adult, I can't help but think I could write one page on a specific topic. I think I can do it. Let's see how this goes. I think it will be fun to reflect on my life, what I remember, and when I am old, lo...