We went to dinner with our besties on Wednesday evening, leaving the girls at their house. While we were out, their dog, Peanut took a bite on Mya's face. Apparently, Mya was sitting on Peanut's pillow and I can only assume, bothering him. He most likely became annoyed and responded the only way he knew how. It just so happened they were eye level with each other. We cleaned it up, bandaged it and went home. As we drove home, I began to wonder if we should bring her into the ER. The bite wasn't that bad, but there was one spot that was a bit deeper than the rest. It was about the length of a fingernail. I wondered about the possibility of having that glued. I emailed my Mom and sister Lisa who supported the ER visit, so off Mya and I went. It was 8:30 pm. Mya hates doctors, etc. Not sure why. She has been pretty fortunate to have loving ones, but I suppose it is rather scary. Anyway, she cried. We made it to the ER, checked in, met with the triage nurses, sat in the waiti...