I blinked and all of a sudden, I have a 6 month old baby! Where in the world did time go?! While these past six months haven't been the easiest, they've been amazing. There is nothing like living life through a child. Gavin has grown and changed in so many ways this month. It has been a huge month for him! He has gotten so much longer. His hair is finally becoming more abundant. His blue eyes seem to be sticking around for awhile longer. He has finally tried out some food, eating oatmeal (loved), sweet potato (loved), a chunk of banana (not quite a fan), some avocado (didn't eat much, mostly played with it) and even some mashed potatoes. I am sort of doing my own thing with feedings, but trying to stick mostly with vegetables until they are solid successes. Gavin lights up when he sees his sisters. They can make him laugh better than anyone else. They read to him every morning and lug him around every afternoon. He takes it all in, every squeeze, every tickle, every sill...