There are only a few things I miss about the military life. The biggest being that anticipation that comes knowing that your life is about to do a 180 shift as new assignments are dropped. You generally know exactly how long you will live in one place and consequently, look forward to that next chapter. Well now that Chris is retired, we no longer have those dictated moves. We are the grown ups, in charge of our own adventures. While we've had an amazing 6 years living overseas, we knew from the beginning this isn't our forever. We want our children to know the world is their oyster, to not be afraid of conquering whatever they may desire. Growing up in small town America, I traveled the US, but only dreamed of traveling abroad. I know very well that I would never have stepped outside of my comfort zone and booked a trip without having been forced. I never want that fear or anxiety to paralyze our children. I think our life overseas has laid a solid framework for that hope. Ch...