Here I am on this neglected blog. I am starting early. 1 month and 1 week early just to make sure I don't forget one detail I want to include. I fear I say this every dang time I write one of these, but seriously, I CANNOT believe we are already here. 2 years together! Gavin, my sweetest boy, is turning 2 years. Time is flying by at a rapid rate, so I am not blogging much, but taking it all in, trying to lock in my memory each smile, giggle, funny thing you do, each crazy facial expression, cute thing you say, hug you offer and snuggle I receive. You are such a special little one. We joke that you have 3 mommas and in fact, you kind of do as your big sisters are taking note just as much as I am. We love you that much! Gavin, you are two years old. I can't believe how much you've grown and changed in the past 6 months. Your vocabulary is growing each and every day. You surprise me each time I hear a 3 word phrase come out of your sweet lips. You say "ah ha," meani...