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Two Years--Gavin!

Here I am on this neglected blog. I am starting early. 1 month and 1 week early just to make sure I don't forget one detail I want to include. I fear I say this every dang time I write one of these, but seriously, I CANNOT believe we are already here. 2 years together! Gavin, my sweetest boy, is turning 2 years. Time is flying by at a rapid rate, so I am not blogging much, but taking it all in, trying to lock in my memory each smile, giggle, funny thing you do, each crazy facial expression, cute thing you say, hug you offer and snuggle I receive. You are such a special little one. We joke that you have 3 mommas and in fact, you kind of do as your big sisters are taking note just as much as I am. We love you that much!
Gavin, you are two years old. I can't believe how much you've grown and changed in the past 6 months. Your vocabulary is growing each and every day. You surprise me each time I hear a 3 word phrase come out of your sweet lips. You say "ah ha," meaning 'yes'with such a sweet rising inflection anytime someone asks you a question. You say I love you Momma or I love you Daddy.
You have a huge love for Paw Patrol. You watch anytime we will let you. Sometimes you bark like the dogs on a mission. You also love "man" which is "Fireman Sam," or Bubble Guppies.
We finally got a dog. Her name is Luna, but you lovingly call her "Tuna." It melts my heart each time you say, "Goodgiw Tuna." So sweet. She thinks of you much like her equal, so it has been a long month for Daddy and I. She jumps on you, nibbles on your ears, hands or feet. You like it at first, but it quickly becomes frustrating as you can't out run her. Luna is also very tolerant of you. She lets you lay your head on her back, squeeze her face in your hands as you give her kisses and lets you take her toys with no response. She is a sweet dog and I am certain you two will be the best of friends for years to come.
Claire and Mya continue to be the light of your life. You are interested in everything they do. They keep you in the center of their worlds too. They love to dress you up as a princess or a pirate, read you books, jump with you on the trampoline, ride your bikes together and play.
You wear a size 24 month clothing, size 4 diaper and size 7 shoe. We took away the pacifiers after Christmas. It wasn't that tough. You cried a bit at bedtime, but rarely asked about them during the day. You drink from an open cup, feed yourself with a fork or spoon and appreciate a good napkin. You are such a nice boy. You say "bless you" when someone sneezes and consistently say "thank you." Daddy and I kid that you are more well mannered than your sisters at times!
On February 21, 2016, you did something neither of your sisters have ever done--climbed out of your crib! We should have known something was up as it was eerily quiet for some time. Soon enough we hear Claire greeting you, Dad darts out of bed to find you in the hallway. You climbed out of the crib and onto the watertable that was beside it, then onto the floor. This climbing thing began long ago. In fact at 9 months, I took a picture of you standing on something so you could reach something on a table. I should have known then that you were going to give us a run for our money! Now your all time favorites are climbing the shelves in the fridge so you can reach everything, including things on the top shelf and using the handles on the cabinets as rungs on a ladder to climb up on the counter. It is madness! Life with a boy. You will make us old and keep us young.
We finally gave in and took down the crib on March 8th. You are so happy to be in your big boy bed. You tell everyone about "my room" and are often found playing in there. It is adorable. Every thing you do is adorable. After Claire and Mya have been tucked in, you snuggle with Daddy and I for a bit. It is a such a sweet time for us. You often randomly kiss our head, legs, blanket. So sweet.
-Wear size 5 diaper
-You've had 4 hair cuts

-Wear size 24 mo clothing
-Hate when the legs of your pants ride up
-Love to jump on the trampoline; ride your bike--even watching for cars and moving to the sidewalk independently
-Talk about your friends at daycare--binwey (Finley), wibby (Libby), Wydia (Lydia), Justice and Zach.
-Your articulation is quite good. I don't correct anything because, well, afterall you are our last baby. We eat it all up!
-Can remove your clothing with minimal assistance, put pants and shoes on independently, need a bit of help for shirt and socks.
All in all, you are a fabulous boy. We love you more than words. You are a kind, loving boy who soaks up everything everyone can offer you. We, in turn, try to soak up everything you do. We love you that much!


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