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Yes, indeeedy do. 0.0 is exactly the amount of weight I lost this week. Irritating!

Here's the breakdown:
number of times I cheated on my diet--ZERO!
number of times I worked out--FIVE!! (running, no less).

Now that is a mean, mean slap in the face. After I picked myself off the floor and resisted the urge to throw the scale through my window, I've come to realize that it is time to call in the big guns. There will be no messing around. Through a very valuable (HA!--sense the sarcasm) inservice this year, I've learned that I am "Green," meaning logical, research based, problem solver, mathmatical thinker. I am applying the same thought and strategy to my 'get fit' adventure. There will be no relying on the treadmill to tell me how much I've burned. That thing lies, LIES, LIES!! Take for example, the fact that each time I worked out, I burned at least 300 calories--most often 350, my pulse was around 87 (which is pretty much a near death resting pulse), had sweat pouring from my forehead as I was running on an INCLINE (5.0) and yet, never lost a pound. It LIES!! Drastic news calls for drastic measures. Stay tuned. My plan will work even if it means I punch Tony in the face.

**Please don't email with supportive words about how the numbers on the scale mean nothing or how it only matters how my clothes fit, or how I am building muscle, blah, blah, blah. I know. I know. I know. I know. I am writing for my own comic relief. I know next week will be better. Just hang in there through the whining ;)!


Michelle said…
Oh my God, I can so relate to you. SO RELATE! I don't know what the hell is wrong with your scale, but it seems to be suffering from the same affliction mine has. All I have to say is WTF?! Seriously how much mucle can one build?! I feel for you.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for your lack of loss. If it makes you feel better I am about to eat an amazing reese's peanut butter cup followed by some M&M's..ok that was mean and Im only kidding. I have forgotten how your voice sounds. you may have to remind me how we know eachother next time we talk. Hint Hint. I need to talk to you ASAP
Love ya, J
jeannie said…
how about this, quit your whining and keep working at it!!!!!

Said with love
Anonymous said…
You have a right to are the busiest person I know and yet you are making time to change your life. Congrats..the scale will reflect your hardwork just don't stress about it..

Kara said…
Jeannie--To change the lyrics of a classic:
"It's my blog and I can whine if I want to, whine if I want to." Sorry that was just what came to my mind as I read your comment ;) Of course I will keep working. I don't quit. I think that is the ND in me--we are loyal to whatever and whomever, regardless. To quit is not in our vocabulary.
J--good news. I lost 2 pounds thus far this week. Yippee!! Thanks for the unsolicited support. I think you are pretty awesome too.
Anonymous said…
Yeah 2 pounds that is GREAT! Im doing better now as well..hoping and praying for the best and trying to move forward.

Kara said…
J-Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. There will be a silver lining to this very dark cloud. I promise. Even if that means that Lisa does as she should and has another baby ;) Only kidding. I will throw myself on the line and insist!
Anonymous said…
How would me having another child be a silver lining? I think I am lost how I got involved. I am proud of you and your motivation to work out. I am not nearly so motivated! Wish I was. Congrats on the healthy steps!
Anonymous said…
Oh Lisa you are out of the loop but you will have to stay there...silly talk

Kara said…
she may not stay there. we'll just get her involved when we need her. sort of like sacrificing the lamb. no worries lisa, we'll only do what's best for you!
love you two loonies!
Anonymous said…
Really, I am totally clueless and I hate it! Call me so I am not in the dark!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog!

I won't leave you with empty words about "building muscle" or how "it weighs more than fat". In fact, I'm pretty convinced that the diet industry is in cahoots with the scale industry...if the scale doesn't show results, then you'll buy more diet products. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

But, I will leave you with a *hug*. You can do this! Can't wait to hear what your new plan of attack is!
christopher said…
Ah yes Lisa... They are giving you the ol' mushroom treatment. Keeping you in the dark and feeding you lots of crap...

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