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Every parent has hopes and dreams for their child. Writing down and keeping track of every positive sign that their child is destined to be something big---learned their letters and sounds at 2, potty trained at 2, spoke in sentences at 1, fixed the tv, discovered a cure for know. I've been just as guilty. It is really hard not to be crazy. Really. Hard. Anyway, after ferocious smells were escaping our temporarily broken dish washer for 2 weeks, Chris took action. He called the rental office (odd, they act like far more than rental agents, but are not managers; however, they schedule all repairs, etc.) and out the little dude came. It was then that we got a glimpse into Mya's future. Can you guess?

The guy was here for an hour or so and Mya never left his side. She watched intently his every move. Oh, I would be so proud if I had a child I could call on to fix all the broken appliances in my house. I can't tell you how irritating it is when I have to call on someone else!! I guess there truly could be an upside to this prospective career. In the meantime, I'll continue to pressure her towards pursuing that Doctorate or at least Master's Degree ;)

In other news...down, down, down I went. 3.0 pounds!! Yippee!! I worked out 4 days this week and yet the weight loss gods answered my prayer. Yoo hoo! I am so happy.

I've had a busy week. I was invited to join a book club and since I had to leave my former club behind (tear, tear), I jumped at the opportunity. This also means that I will stay on track to meet another NY goal. Anyway, we met on Thursday night until nearly 10:30, which meant that I was SOOOO tired on Friday. It is a great group of ladies, so I am quite excited.

Chris and I went on a date friday night. We went to the Officer's Club for dinner. It was free and oh, so gross. Then we moved onto the movie. I can't even remember when I had been to a movie last. We saw The Green Hornet. It wasn't anything special, but it was good to get out.

On Saturday, my busyness continued as I went to a Photoshop Class at the Community Center on base. I was the ONLY person who signed up for the class, so it was ultimately a private lesson. I didn't really like that aspect, but I guess I got my moneys worth. It was great and I learned alot. Now if I can only find the time and patience to edit my pics, I'll be in business. I discovered one big thing from the computer stinks. Looking at her Mac compared to my older PC, was like looking at a Plasma screen tv (which I've grown accustomed) and then an old boxed tv. THere is no comparison. The color is so vivid, the sharpness is uncomparable and the graphics are so much better. Anyway, I think I may be putting aside my desire for a new lense and thinking about a new computer. We'll see. Again, I am not sure I'll have the time to edit like a madwoman, so perhaps the best decision is to first let my dinosaur die and then move onto the new edition. Besides, Macs are kind of intimidating to me. I haven't used one since undergrad. Oiy!


Anonymous said…
Poor repair man..the girls didn't even give him room to move around! Talk about being watched..Mya even brought her drink! That is way too funny! The girls are getting bigger by the minute it seems. Feels like forever since we have seen them.

Love ya,
Anonymous said…
Good job on the weight loss! Super proud of you! Can't wait to have Mya fix some things around here when she comes. We miss you all way to much! Can't wait for summer in more ways than one!

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