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Is this a hint?!!

A few years ago one of Chris' friends was telling us that he got his girlfriend a wiifit for Christmas. I couldn't help but laugh and told him that I'd be so insulted. Supposedly she wanted it, so for her it was the perfect gift. He got her other things as well that were much more meaningful--cooking school and a massage or something. Anyway, fast forward to this Christmas. I had a list of items that I wanted, but ended up buying most of them for myself prior to Christmas. I am definitely not one to wait until Christmas or birthdays to buy things--for me or anyone else. Needless to say, Chris was kind of left hanging. I wanted a $1300 lense for my camera, but as you can imagine, that wasn't an option. Hmmm. This is what I received. Very generous, but do you think my wonderful husband is subtle? Ha. 

Out of fear of making Chris seem like a total jerk, I should add some necessary details--only because I am nice. I had been talking about losing weight, working out and trying to get healthy again for several months. I even had a personal trainer all lined up, but honestly, I couldn't bring myself to paying the money to have someone tell me to get off my fat butt and move. All that said, Chris did great. Really great. It was perfect even though I love to give him a hard time about it ;) That is how we roll, he just doesn't blog about it! Anyway, I read blogs in my free time (as well as scour the internet for my next great purchase!)  and came across one blog in particular that has been quite motivating-- I have the upmost respect for Jenn, but I can't imagine following her plan. She is a workout momma and has the body changes to prove it. I have kiddos, work fulltime out of our home and as much as I'd love to (no that's a complete lie) I can't work out for 1.5 hours per day. She has, however, sparked my interest enough to research and accept a 30 day challenge. So with that I say thank you, Jenn! I am now on day 3 of eating well and working out (at 5 am no less!!). I know 3 days of committment isn't much, but the fact of the matter is that if I want to have another child in the future, I'd better lose some weight (only because I can't imagine carrying around an additional 30+ pounds to what I already have) and of course, more importantly--Thailand has some incredible beaches! Who wants to go to someplace lovely and be the fattie? Not me! So there it is. I feel pretty good and not starving like I could eat a complete cow myself or devour a bag of hershey kisses at one sitting. Hopefully this positivity continues and my motivation stays strong.

No need to comment with words of encouragment or anything like that. I am good. Instead, you can do a double take when you see me on the beach or when you pick me up at the airport! Ha.


Erin said…
If you hate it all ship it to me! I can't convince Josh to buy me a Wii to save my life (but of course, he can have a PS3)!!! I thought I might get one for Christmas but it looks like I might have to break down and buy one for myself.
Anonymous said…
Good work. You are doing well. Too bad we cant work out together as I could use a little motivation these days!

Thanks for the post...One point for the updating blog category!

love ya, J
Kara said…
oh, no. I didn't mean to imply (sp?) that I hated it. I loved the gift, but it is kind of taboo to give a female anyting relating to weight as a gift. I was simply making light of my husband's thoughtfulness.
I agree, break down and buy one for yourself. We've had ours for awhile now and it is great--even our kiddos are in on the action. We just have to tell Claire that she's won the race even though she hasn't actually removed herself from the wall (super mario cart). The wii fit is pretty amazing too. We love our wii!
Jess-Thanks. Keep tallying those points. So far so good on my goals. I almost slept in this morning...almost. You'll get back in the groove when you start feeling better and life gets a little bit more rewarding again. Keep your chin up. Things will fall back into place--more quickly than you think.
jeannie mom said…
Another Baby??????? Thats great!!!!!

A boy or girl???? I don't really care, just healthy.

Love you guys
Anonymous said…
I'm not going to comment on encouragement, I am going to ask for support. I am as well on the same challenge, I received the WII EA Active for Christmas...the best gift ever. Anyways, I know I am horrible about keeping in touch, but I will work on that in hopes that you can keep me on my toes like you do with other certain aspects in my life :)

Kara said…
No, no, no. No baby yet. Maybe someday. Someone just told me at the New Year's party in a conversation around said topic, that "people who have beautiful babies should have many. The world needs more beauty." Hmmm. I'd have to agree. We do have beautiful babies (not biased or anything), so perhaps we should have more. I guess we'll see where this path shall lead.
K. Davis said…
totally checking out the blog! I am as well in need of dropping some weight, especially with the philippines beaches in a few weeks :)
Erin said…

I know you didn't hate the gift I was saying - if you decide you hate the wiifit itself after giving it a good try! Sometimes typing just isn't like talking :(

Anonymous said…
let is know how the wii fit works out! I am afraid to buy it because I am afraid I'll just get bored! lol....good job!


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