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Showing posts from October, 2007

First Airplane Ride

We all survived Claire's first airplane ride. That sounds a bit harsh, but it actually went smoothly. On the way to North Dakota, we were seated at the back of the plane with a couple of other families with small children. Claire had a few unsettling moments, but did well. The flight back to Massachusetts was a dream. Our initial flight, which would have consisted of an hour flight to Minneapolis and a three hour flight to Boston, was cancelled. Instead, we ended up flying an hour to Denver and four hours to Boston. Claire slept the entire trip, take-off, landing and all. She was incredible. Several people commented on how she was such a great baby. She really was great. In a couple of short months, she'll be in the sky again. We can't wait!

Random Photos


Our trip to North Dakota was highlighted by a much needed break for Chris and I. My family was awesome. They loved holding Claire, passing her off from person to person. With nearly 50 people, there were more than enough hands to hold her. My Aunt Karen especially enjoyed holding her. She loves kids and Claire loved her. The last picture is a very special one. My Grandma wasn't able to see Claire, but I seized the photo opportunity with my Grandpa. Claire smiling is icing on the cake. My Mom and Dad are wonderful grandparents. They love her so much. We are so blessed to have such a great family.


Claire is lucky to have great Aunties. They doted on her all week long.


One positive outcome from our trip to North Dakota was that Claire was able to spend time with her cousins. They love her so much. Olivia loved to carry her around, Luke loved to feed her and try to make her smile, and Ava loved to push her in the swing. Claire enjoyed them too. Hopefully they will grow up great friends.


Last Sunday was a life changing day. My Grandma unexpectedly passed away. Her passing brought such sadness to our family. She was the glue that held our family together, a strong soul who greatly influenced our lives. Chris, Claire and I traveled to North Dakota on Monday. We spent time with my ever-growing family. All of my Aunts and Uncles were there and nearly all of my cousins. It was a bittersweet reunion, sharing memories, laughter and tears together. We all loved her so much. Tonight as I returned back to my house, reminders of my Grandma are everywhere---her plant (she had a green thumb that I have tried to develop with her and my Mom's guidance), my wedding pictures, & my sewing machine (she sewed us personalized pajamas for many Christmas') to name only a few. Prior to moving to MA, my Grandma lead my family on a tour of her childhood and our family history. It is a tour I will remember always. I took pictures of our newest oil well and of her childhood scho...

Pumpkin Baby

Last weekend we searched for the perfect pumpkin in our local pumpkin patch. It was the first time that either of us had picked our pumpkin. Most people's idea of the perfect pumpkin is one that will make the best jack-o-lantern, but our search was for the perfect pumpkin to hold our baby. I got the idea from my sister, Lisa. She had done it with her kids, who absolutely hated it or were expression-less. Not mine. She is so easy going that she is willing to do anything and enjoy it! Chris cut the top off and cleaned it out. Then Claire went in. She wasn't too thrilled at first, but quickly came to realize that she wasn't going to be eaten by this big, orange, slimey thing and embraced the situation. In fact, I think she even liked it.

3 Month Pictures

Here are a couple of more pictures from her 3 month sitting. The first picture was our last picture taken. By that time she had had it!! The last picture is rather funny, but typical Claire with her big eyes. She is taking it all in. I think she is amazed at the things we will do to get her to smile. Nothing is too silly for our baby girl!! Her hair looks reddish, but trust me---IT ISN'T!!! While in Maine last weekend, a stranger asked where she got her red hair. I said, almost rudely (although it was't my intention) that it isn't red, but blondish. I never thought I would be so insulted. Oh well. The dumb things parents do....I am sure it won't be my last!
We had Claire's 3 month pictures taken a couple of weeks ago. It was quite the ordeal as they were 40 minutes late for our appointment. Needless to say, Claire was tired of waiting and started to cry shortly before. Thankfully she cooperated and managed to give us a couple of smiles. I think the last picture is so cute. She seems to be saying, "I am so over this."


Claire has gotten so many gifts that I can't remember what I have blogged and what I haven't. I did go back and try to make sure I have gotten everything... The carrier is from the guys at Chris' work. It was such a nice gift. Chris looks forward to hauling Claire around on hikes and I look forward to watching him!! The top pink Carter's outfit is from my friend, Cheryl, who I used to work with in Fort Yates. It is quite cute. The middle dress is from Dick & Lois. It will be great next fall. The bottom outfit is a cute little Carter's outfit from my friend, Amy. Thankfully, so many of our friends bought clothes for next year. It is so sad to see Claire wear an outfit only once.

13 Weeks

Go Yankees!! It's a nailbiter!! Claire is 13 weeks old. It has been a week of baseball. First watching the Red Sox sweep their series, then waiting to see if the Yankees would come out victorious. Claire sported her Yankee outfit from her Papa for the big event, although her support wasn't enough. The Yankees lost. It was a sad day. Claire does not have a Red Sox outfit yet, but her Dad is certain she needs one.

Champion Commentor, Champion Auntie???

This entry isn't about Claire. It is about my commentors....A big shout out to Jessica, who has consistently left comments on her niece. Yay!! You are certainly pushing for first place in the best auntie category. Lisa will say she has school to contend with in addition to her 3 children and a job, but hay, who doesn't have time to tell their niece how adorable their poo is?? I thought for a long period, Olivia was going to be the best commenter, but she hasn't proven as faithful lately. Lauren is falling off the wagon too. Get back on it!!! I love the comments. I especially love the occasional comments from friends. I am thrilled that you check us out--namely, Nicole and Erin, who by the way is blogging like a pro. Love the updates. I even linked you to my blog. Hope you don't mind. Nicole, you should blog too. We'd love to see photos of Abby. We enjoyed the photo you sent us, but we'd love to see more. You could also include photos of the new house!!! I am hop...

3 Months

Claire is twelve weeks old. She is beginning to develop a new awareness and interest for discovery. Claire no longer likes to lay down for long periods, so we purchased the Bumbo, which is great. She wasn't so sure at first, but quickly came around. Claire continues to love her swing. She loves looking at the lights and listening to the music. She often falls asleep in her swing. Claire also loves baths. She smiles, coos, and has even begun to kick her legs. Lately we have been bathing her in the sink simply because it is in a more convenient location. We recently purchased Baby Einstein's activity mat. She loves it. She especially enjoys looking at the large smiley star that lights up and plays music. She is becoming more consistent at turning it on herself (she has to kick a pole on the outer corner), and is taking more of an interest in the toys that hang from the poles. Claire is eating well. Yesterday she at 8 ounces at one sitting!! This is not the norm, however. She...