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Last Sunday was a life changing day. My Grandma unexpectedly passed away. Her passing brought such sadness to our family. She was the glue that held our family together, a strong soul who greatly influenced our lives. Chris, Claire and I traveled to North Dakota on Monday. We spent time with my ever-growing family. All of my Aunts and Uncles were there and nearly all of my cousins. It was a bittersweet reunion, sharing memories, laughter and tears together. We all loved her so much. Tonight as I returned back to my house, reminders of my Grandma are everywhere---her plant (she had a green thumb that I have tried to develop with her and my Mom's guidance), my wedding pictures, & my sewing machine (she sewed us personalized pajamas for many Christmas') to name only a few. Prior to moving to MA, my Grandma lead my family on a tour of her childhood and our family history. It is a tour I will remember always. I took pictures of our newest oil well and of her childhood school. I hung those pictures on my wall will cherish them always. As I sifted through the large stack of mail tonight, I saw my US Weekly. My sister's and I used to tease her about how great that magazine was, but she thought it was simply gossip. She gave me her subscription and I sent her e-mails to update her on the "smut" she was missing. My Grandma had a great heart. She gave to all and loved everyone. My Grandma had a great sense of humor and a passion for cooking. I can only hope I have acquired those wonderful qualities & will develop the talents my Grandma possessed.
When Claire was born, my Grandma called to tell me that Claire was the most beautiful baby she had ever seen. Those words warmed my heart and made me even more excited for Christmas, when I would be able to introduce my child to my Grandma. That time will never come, but I know my Grandma is looking down on us and protecting us now and forever. She was a remarkable woman. I hope to make her proud as a daughter, wife and now, mother. I miss her.
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Lisa said…
Very nice tribute to Grandma. Reading it made me miss her more! Good job!
christopher said…
I would like to add to Kara's blog by saying that I would've liked to speak up during the family prayer service, but I wasn't sure it was my place to talk. I certainly didn't have the history that everyone else had with Arlene, but in the short time I knew her, she made a tremendous impact on my life. I believe she had a hug for me almost everytime we saw her (except the first time...I'm sure she was making sure I was good enough for her grandaughter). Being in a place where I was over 1000 miles from my own family, those hugs sure did mean a lot to me. She also made it a point to remember and/or recognize special dates such as my birthday, Christmas, and even my college graduation. She certainly didn't have to do anything for me, but she did. She made me feel special when my own family wasn't able to do so. I liked to hear her stories even if it was just about a trip to town. I think it was her voice and her accent I especially liked. I also enjoyed when she would talk about Kara's Grandpa and put extra emphasis on "Elwood!" She was exactly what you would picture in your mind when thinking about what a Grandma should be. I think Nick mentioned it, but she did always have cookies or some treat ready everytime we went to see her and I distinctly remember the Lefsa (not sure of spelling) tradition being passed on to her Grandaughters (and their spouses). I don't believe I ever got it thin enough that day.... Anyway she was a great woman, and for someone who wasn't even a grandson, it sure feels like I lost my Grandma. I only wish that Claire had gotten the opportunity to meet such a special woman. There will always be a special place in my heart for Arlene
Lauren said…
Grandma would have loved your very special tribute to her on your blog, Kara. I remember the last time I went to visit her mom had asked me to show it to her. She saw the recent pictures of Claire, and I distinctly remember her saying, "Well isn't that cute!" in the way she always did. I know exactly what you mean when you say you are constantly reminded of what a special person Grandma was. Everytime I go to the mall, I can not help but think of all the times with Grandma shopping and Grandpa sitting at the clock waiting for her. She always did get a kick out of that. I especially remember her outstanding cooking skills. I have not been so blessed in that area. I do not consider myself a cook, mostly because I don't have the patience! I also can't help but think of all the trips to Minot with Grandma. We all had so many memories centered in this one town, so it makes me think of her all the time. I loved her and I will miss going to visit, especially now that I am so close.
Your blog would have made her smile. And I know she is smiling at it in heaven right now, and saying what great grandchildren she has. I am so glad I got to know her, even if it was for just a short while. She will always be in my heart.
Anonymous said…
Grandma's passing really puts life into perspective for me. I have never met a woman so full of life, so respectable, hardworking, loving, and sincere. She was AMAZING! As I go to work each day-I wonder why God chose her. I see so many patients in similiar circumstances going home to heal. I will never know why--- but we must trust she is in a better place. I thank God everyday for giving me my family especially mom, dad, and my three wonderful sisters. I am sad we are apart but I know you are the best friends a person could ask for!! I LOVE YA ALL!

Love, Jessica
Anonymous said…
Hi Kara -- I'm really sorry to hear about your grandma. I saw the notice in the paper and was shocked. I'll always remember her in your kitchen when we were kids baking carmel rolls or cabbage rolls. I was glad that I got to visit with her at Lauren's graduation. My thoughts are with you. Take care.
Anonymous said…
I wish Grandma could see what you've all written. It made me cry. She was a very loving person. I'm glad you girls got to know her longer than I knew my grandmas. I miss her all the time. Mom

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