Claire is twelve weeks old. She is beginning to develop a new awareness and interest for discovery. Claire no longer likes to lay down for long periods, so we purchased the Bumbo, which is great. She wasn't so sure at first, but quickly came around. Claire continues to love her swing. She loves looking at the lights and listening to the music. She often falls asleep in her swing. Claire also loves baths. She smiles, coos, and has even begun to kick her legs. Lately we have been bathing her in the sink simply because it is in a more convenient location. We recently purchased Baby Einstein's activity mat. She loves it. She especially enjoys looking at the large smiley star that lights up and plays music. She is becoming more consistent at turning it on herself (she has to kick a pole on the outer corner), and is taking more of an interest in the toys that hang from the poles. Claire is eating well. Yesterday she at 8 ounces at one sitting!! This is not the norm, however. She generally eats 5 ounces. Claire is sleeping well too. Last night she slept from 8:00-2:30 a.m. then 3:00-6:40. It is wonderful for all. Claire is a perfect little baby. I can't wait until Christmas, so we can share her with the rest of my family (we bought our tickets yesterday!! Yay!!!)!
Claire is twelve weeks old. She is beginning to develop a new awareness and interest for discovery. Claire no longer likes to lay down for long periods, so we purchased the Bumbo, which is great. She wasn't so sure at first, but quickly came around. Claire continues to love her swing. She loves looking at the lights and listening to the music. She often falls asleep in her swing. Claire also loves baths. She smiles, coos, and has even begun to kick her legs. Lately we have been bathing her in the sink simply because it is in a more convenient location. We recently purchased Baby Einstein's activity mat. She loves it. She especially enjoys looking at the large smiley star that lights up and plays music. She is becoming more consistent at turning it on herself (she has to kick a pole on the outer corner), and is taking more of an interest in the toys that hang from the poles. Claire is eating well. Yesterday she at 8 ounces at one sitting!! This is not the norm, however. She generally eats 5 ounces. Claire is sleeping well too. Last night she slept from 8:00-2:30 a.m. then 3:00-6:40. It is wonderful for all. Claire is a perfect little baby. I can't wait until Christmas, so we can share her with the rest of my family (we bought our tickets yesterday!! Yay!!!)!