Claire had her 15 month well baby check on Thursday. We definitely have a petite little girl. I have a friend with a 3 month old little guy who weighs more than Claire! Weight:19#4oz. (5%ile) Height:29 3/4" (25%ile) Head Circumference:47 1/4cm (75%ile) She's a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, so I opted to not have her vaccinated. It was the one thing I swore I would never do and thankfully, I've stuck to my word. We'll return in 2 weeks for that adventure. Here is an update on her talents at 15 months: **She can ID her mouth, nose, eyes, hair, & ears on command. **She is beginning to put 2 word combinations together--"good morning, Hi Harvey, all done." **We watch 2 1/2 Men everynight. Claire sings the theme song whenever it comes on, "Men, men, men, men, etc." It is adorable.