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Showing posts from November, 2008

A random pic

Our little girl is tiny. I took this picture last weekend before our lunch date. The clothes she is wearing are only 6-12 months, which she wore last winter! Other than the jeans beginning to look a wee bit short, it is a perfect fit. How sad! I had purchased a few items last summer on clearance, but won't do that again until her growth becomes a bit more predictable.

Music, music, music...

Claire loves music, so it was no surprise she loved the piano. She could be found at the piano nearly every 10 minutes or so, hopping up on the bench and hammering away a few notes. I tried to get a picture several times during our trip, but each time I ran to get the camera, she was down again. Here she is playing a song for Ava who is singing along. Great imagination, Ava!! They were so cute together. We'll see if her love for pianoes continues at Christmas when we visit my parent's house.

Snow Fun

We had a great visit to ND. The plane ride ended up to be rather long (4 hours to Denver), but Claire did great. No crying, just ate me out of house and home. Thankfully, we had an empty seat next to us each way which allowed her some space to move around a bit. As usual, everyone around us marveled at what a great kiddo she was. I guess the fact that this is her 8th trip in only 16 months may have something to do with it. It was fun seeing her excitement as she watched out the window during the take-offs and landings. She has never really been interested before. Anyway, while in ND, the kiddos went outside for Claire's first snow experience. The snow had basically been melting, so the snow that was left was rather hard. She definitely preferred the grass or sidewalk, but ventured into the snow with great encouragement from Luke, Olivia and Ava. They really loved having Claire around and Claire was thrilled with all the attention. She played so well with them all and didn't mak...

Bad Hair Day..

Claire woke up last weekend with some awful bedhead, so I decided to whip out the camera. What a nice Mom. I think the pictures are rather funny. She looks totally exhausted and then kind of comical.

A penpal

Before Chris left, he had talked about sending our niece and nephew, Olivia and Luke things from Iraq to share with their classes. They love to get mail and are thrilled to show us their school when we visit. When we were there last fall, I went and enjoyed school lunch with them and they beamed at the idea. Anyway, even though Chris isn't in Iraq yet, he wanted me to get the info for their school. He is going to send them an RME (??), which is basically a packed lunch. I had envisioned this to be dehydrated food, but it sounds much appealing. My sister talked with the school and they are quite excited. The kids are going to print out Chris' picture, so the kids have an idea of who he is, and then they are going to share letters back and forth. Olivia is especially excited. She wants to know exactly when the first package will arrive. Hopefully Chris gets on the ball and sends the package soon! He definitely has some excited kiddos!

The past few days...

Just an update on the past few days... 1. Claire and I enjoyed a lunch date with a few of my friends and their babies. My friend Erin had Liam in June. He, at 5 months is larger than my daughter at 16 months. She was convinced Claire was giving him the evil eye from across the table. Should I be worried? Perhaps an early feminist? Renee had her two month old daughter, Delaney, along and Claire loved her. She kept reaching out to touch her hand and looked quite concerned when Delaney fussed. Michelle also joined us and she is expecting her first in July. It was such a fun date filled with good food and great company. 2. We are gearing up for our big trip to ND. I've been packing a bit each night, but Claire seems to have a different idea of the process. She threw in a couple of "must haves" as she saw them and took out a couple of essentials as I saw them. I found her snow boots laying in her bedroom. I had carefully gathered up all of her snow gear for the big trip days e...

Tough Guy

Chris emailed a few pictures today. He didn't have time to post them on the blog, so I will do it for him. He told me to mention that he made the "squinty-eye look" specially. I think he thinks it makes him look tough. I am not too convinced. He says he has to wear all his gear to and from trainings. The other picture is of his bedroom or cot.

A few additional updates....

--When we heard Chris was for sure leaving, we started looking seriously for a housecleaner who would also do laundry. I found her and she is awesome. There is nothing like coming home to the overwhelming smell of CLEAN!! The best part is that I am in no way responsible for that smell. I love it. I love her! We are going on the better part of 4 weeks with her and I can't believe we didn't get her sooner. --2 days before Chris left, he picked up the Pathfinder from the shop. It looks lovely, but smells a bit "painty" inside. I guess that is what the result is with so much damage. It turns out our initial estimate nearly doubled to $11,000 by the time it was all said and done. I am glad to have my cool momma vehicle back. Mostly, I am thrilled to have my heated leather seats back! Yes Lisa, I know your van has heated leather seats as well. Chris liked the van. I think that can be his next vehicle and I'll keep my SUV.


Claire loves the markers at daycare. Half of her clothes are covered in marker at this point, so I am careful to only send her to daycare in the same clothes each week. It is a fashion delight. Anyway, I ventured out and bought her a small dry erase board with some markers on Saturday. They were a hit, although as you can see, I stripped her down to her nothingness before setting her loose.

So refined...

Claire is trying her best to understand why her doggie brother does not eat with utensils, so she has taken the matter into her own hands. As you can see, she is rather thrilled with his progress.
Ok, it was a miracle. Yesterday when I discovered my wet cell phone, I took out the battery and threw it all in my bag before I left for work. Low and behold around 2:00, I put it together and it WORKED!! I have a cell phone again. Not only that, but Jessica's arrived in the mail as well. I am totally set. I have a cell phone and a back-up! Yahoo. It is amazing how out of touch I felt without it. It is rather sad how much I rely on that thing. Chris called late last night. We talked only briefly, but he fired all day yesterday. It was rather cold, but he passed the test. I have to capture this on video, but Claire loves "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed." We actually have both "5 Little Monkeys..." and "8 Little Monkeys..." books, but it is so cute. Chris and I had been doing the actions for awhile until one day she finally caught on and started waving her finger and saying "no more monkeys jumping on the bed." It is adorable. Definitely o...
Everything is going well. Chris is doing fine. He hasn't really started training per say. On Monday, he spent until 7:00 getting equipment issued. Today he has to qualify on the M16 "army style." He already qualified for the Air Force, but the Army uses moving targets. That will take the majority of the day. His spirits are up and he is working out and trying to eat well. We miss him so much. I think about him all the time and really miss his phone calls, but we are doing well too. Claire had her 15 month immunizations yesterday, so she was a bit clingy. I confess I kind of liked it. My cell phone quit working on Sunday, so it has been a long few days. I switched to one that won't hold a charge for long until I get my new one in the mail. Claire took care of that one this morning. She dumped it in the sink. Water is her big thing. She loves to wash her hands or just stand on the toilet playing in the water. I guess the phone issue was my own negligence, but STILL. Thi...
Life is good again. I am so glad that I am working. It feels good to be around friends and co-workers and even my kiddos. I can't imagine being home all day just wallowing in self-pity. I feel better, so thanks for the prayers and well wishes. I've had a number of emails and phone calls from friends/family, which helps the day pass quickly. My cell phone died yesterday, so Jess is thankfully sending me her old one. Hopefully I'll be connected again in a couple of days. Chris is doing okay. He read powerpoints from 7:00-5:30 yesterday, went to the gym and ate. He finally called around 9:00. Again, it ends up to be a day filled with anxiousness as I await his phone call. He sounds good, although convinced that the military life is no longer for us. I am fine with whatever. He just needs a good paying job on the outside!
I had an interesting night last night. One that I do not wish to encounter again. Claire and I took a nap yesterday afternoon. My stomach felt unsettled afterward, but I thought it may be due to hunger. I ate a hotdog around 5, and later began vomitting. Claire was crying, I am sure simply out of fear. This fun continued through another round when I just happen to be talking to Chris. What a lucky guy! Claire actually woke up in the midst of my trauma only to freak out again. She was extremely restless the entire night with bursts of moaning, so I was a bit worried that her tummy was unsettled. She seemed okay though. We took a morning nap and ate lunch and I feel a bit better. I am trying to limit my foods today to make sure my stomach stays well. I don't know how single moms of little toddlers with family around can do it. i just thank God that I don't have to do this all the time. Anyway, Chris' freetime is very limited. He didn't call until after 9 last night, which...

Chris update

Chris called last night. He arrived in Wisconsin safely. At the time of our conversation, he was getting to know his 22 roomates. Chris said the 22 of them share 3 showers. He wasn't sure of the other amenities as his life is pretty restricted. There is a club on base, but since he is there for training, he isn't allowed to go. Chris also said that he cannot leave the base. He in-processes today and the actually starts class on Monday. Hopefully the time goes quickly.

Day 1

Chris left this morning. It was a rough night, trying to wrap up all the loose ends, Chris had to pack and then to top off the excitement, Claire vomitted in our bed. I spent the rest of the night lying awake worrying about her poor tummy. She's been her normal self all day, so I am not sure what was going on. Anyway, we are surviving day one without Chris. Yesterday, Chris and I went to a lunch thrown in his honor at his work. I really didn't want to go as I knew what it would be like. Even though his coworkers/friends have the best of intentions and are filled with kindness, it was awful. I felt like a widow at her husband's funeral--50 people telling me that if I needed anything, just call. Again, I appreciate their kindness, but it is hard to listen to it over and over again. My family won a battle this week as I decided to take up my Mom on her offer to buy Claire and I a plane ticket home for Thanksgiving. I had really planned to just spend the weekend together, quiet...
Claire had her 15 month well baby check on Thursday. We definitely have a petite little girl. I have a friend with a 3 month old little guy who weighs more than Claire! Weight:19#4oz. (5%ile) Height:29 3/4" (25%ile) Head Circumference:47 1/4cm (75%ile) She's a bit of a stomach bug the last few days, so I opted to not have her vaccinated. It was the one thing I swore I would never do and thankfully, I've stuck to my word. We'll return in 2 weeks for that adventure. Here is an update on her talents at 15 months: **She can ID her mouth, nose, eyes, hair, & ears on command. **She is beginning to put 2 word combinations together--"good morning, Hi Harvey, all done." **We watch 2 1/2 Men everynight. Claire sings the theme song whenever it comes on, "Men, men, men, men, etc." It is adorable.

12 weeks

12 weeks of pregnancy has come and gone. Thank goodness. Although I enjoy being pregnant, the nausea and other illnesses I've experienced this time around, have made it a little less enjoyable. I am pleased to say the nausea subsided about 3 weeks ago. I do feel great. I have yet to gain any weight, which is a bonus. Chris and I went to my appoinment on Friday and the office was unusually quiet. I think we were one of two clients in the office, so they offered an ultrasound with the doctor. It was great. The babe was moving around and putting on a show. I am glad Chris was able to see the kiddo one more time before he returns. We discussed the delivery options with the doctor and it seems I will most likely be heading toward a repeat Cesarean. The one advantage in my opinion is that it will allow me to plan a bit so my family can be here. I have friends that have voluteered to watch Claire and accompany me to the hospital, so I am set either way. The practice is in support of whate...

Basement Progress

This week has been crazy busy. We've been coming home each night and painting in the basement. The carpet was laid on Wednesday & Thursday. Sadly, our painting did not end until yesterday afternoon. We both love color with nearly every room in our home a different color, but I was a bit nervous about the red in our basement. I chose the shade very carefully and I must say that I love it. It looks great. We will be putting everything back in place today and the rest of this week as Chris leaves on Friday. Can't quite envision what the next 7 months will be like. I just pray to God that I will get well. It has been a week of illness at which point, I am not sure what I have. Chris swears it isn't pneumonia, but I'm not so sure. Guess time will tell. In the meantime, we're headed to church...

A Sneak Peek

Pictures with a smile are getting much more difficult to capture as of late. Claire doesn't cooperate, but even less when Chris and I are not near. Today we had our Christmas pictures taken and despite the camera guy's best efforts, a small smile was the best he could elicit without Chris and I in the picture. He assured me this stage will pass soon. I hope so. Here's a small preview of the shoot today. Enjoy!

Happy Halloween!