This is my first advertising post for which I have received compensation. I've been approached in the past, but never agreed as I will only complete reviews/posts for those companies/products near and dear to my heart. and are two of those companies truly making a difference. Being educated and knowledgeable can haunt you. At least it does me. When I was pregnant with our first, I remember worrying about every possibility known to man. Will she have fragile X? What are our chances of Autism? How about cleft palate? Thankfully, we were always within an arms reach to great healthcare. I mean really great healthcare. The United States has a pretty good thing going. However, what happens to those children, those families not as fortunate to live in the land of everything? Cleft palate and other facial deformities are a life changer. It affects every facet of a child's life--social, emotional, communication, physical, etc. Every...