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Showing posts from July, 2014

Gavin's Baptism


She is a rufus..darn autocorrect.

4 Months

Gavin spent his 4th month in the United States, meeting all of his cousins, Aunties, Uncles and Grammy & Papa. It was a busy, busy month, but he took it in stride. He traveled from North Dakota, to Minnesota, to Montana, taking in his first baseball game, first boat ride, first night camping, and first trip to the zoo. It was the most amazing month yet!


Dearest Claire, You are officially seven going on sixteen. Truly. Your vocabulary is immense, your bravery is big, your willingness to leap into the unknown is huge. Daddy and I are so proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you continue to attempt. You've had a big year as you jumped 3 levels in swimming lessons. When we first moved to Germany, you began lessons. One day we watched this little guy swimming laps in the fitness pool. We were amazed as he was so little! I finally asked his mom his age and swimming level. Now, two years later, you are that little boy, swimming laps, mesmerizing onlookers with your swimming and strength. You've been reading well above grade level since Kindergarten, so it is not a surprise that you are now at the end of 3rd grade level. You can read pretty much anything you pick up. You really enjoy reading non-fiction text, so we've tried to steer you towards books that you can later experience or see the topic first hand. You ...

Baseball Game 2014

I grew up loving baseball--the NY Yankees .  My Dad is a HUGE fan of the Yankees. He got that love from his Grandfather with whom he traveled to the games and watched/listened to many. Needless to say, it seemed only appropriate that all of our children's first games have been to the Yankees (although Chris may disagree being a Red Sox fan). Sadly, with Claire and with Mya too, we made it as far as batting practice, then left due to rain, fussiness, etc. Gavin, however, made it through the entire game. It was a great way to spend his first Fourth of July.