Dearest Claire,
You are officially seven going on sixteen. Truly. Your vocabulary is immense, your bravery is big, your willingness to leap into the unknown is huge. Daddy and I are so proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you continue to attempt. You've had a big year as you jumped 3 levels in swimming lessons. When we first moved to Germany, you began lessons. One day we watched this little guy swimming laps in the fitness pool. We were amazed as he was so little! I finally asked his mom his age and swimming level. Now, two years later, you are that little boy, swimming laps, mesmerizing onlookers with your swimming and strength.
You've been reading well above grade level since Kindergarten, so it is not a surprise that you are now at the end of 3rd grade level. You can read pretty much anything you pick up. You really enjoy reading non-fiction text, so we've tried to steer you towards books that you can later experience or see the topic first hand. You recently chose a book on Pompeii, so we'll plan a trip to check it out first hand to help tie it all together.
Claire, you've declared for the past two years that you want to play the violin and piano. We decided to take the leap into music lessons and signed you up for private violin lessons. We bought you a violin for your birthday and you have been beaming ever since you laid eyes on it. You love, love, love to put on shows, pretend to sing on stage, pose in mirrors and dress like a diva. Hopefully, these lessons are fostering an innate love for music and not a passing whim.
Rollerblading (yes, with great instruction from Uncle Nate and Daddy, you learned to rollerblade in a day or two), riding bike, singing, dancing, and swimming are some of your favorite things to do. You are still a huge fan of steak and not a lover of milk though you tolerate it. You are a great big sister to Gavin and Mya. At times, you take on more of a Mothering role, which is helpful yet frustrating for all. You have gotten the hang of how to properly change Gavin's diaper, heat up his milk to make a bottle and love to read him books and make him laugh. You are full of love.
As life became more stressful, busy and a tad chaotic with the arrival of Gavin, we have been so thankful with your willingness to help at home. You will attempt any job asked, although we sometimes have to ask a couple of times or negotiate with you. You are far too good at manipulation. Daddy and I watch with amazement as you manipulate Mya into thinking the thing she didn't want is actually that which she prefers. We frequently have to interject to make sure equality is in place. Poor Mya.
All in all, you are a loving, happy, intelligent little girl. You are good at so many things and we do our best to make sure opportunities are available to you. We do our best to foster your love for activities and simply present the options, encourage you to try them out, then let you choose. At the moment, you have a love/hate relationship with soccer. Club soccer has been great for you. Competition is a good thing and sometimes you simply cannot be the best player. That's okay. It has been a tough lesson for you as you desire to be the best. We will see how this relationship unfolds.
You are officially seven going on sixteen. Truly. Your vocabulary is immense, your bravery is big, your willingness to leap into the unknown is huge. Daddy and I are so proud of all that you have accomplished and all that you continue to attempt. You've had a big year as you jumped 3 levels in swimming lessons. When we first moved to Germany, you began lessons. One day we watched this little guy swimming laps in the fitness pool. We were amazed as he was so little! I finally asked his mom his age and swimming level. Now, two years later, you are that little boy, swimming laps, mesmerizing onlookers with your swimming and strength.
You've been reading well above grade level since Kindergarten, so it is not a surprise that you are now at the end of 3rd grade level. You can read pretty much anything you pick up. You really enjoy reading non-fiction text, so we've tried to steer you towards books that you can later experience or see the topic first hand. You recently chose a book on Pompeii, so we'll plan a trip to check it out first hand to help tie it all together.
Claire, you've declared for the past two years that you want to play the violin and piano. We decided to take the leap into music lessons and signed you up for private violin lessons. We bought you a violin for your birthday and you have been beaming ever since you laid eyes on it. You love, love, love to put on shows, pretend to sing on stage, pose in mirrors and dress like a diva. Hopefully, these lessons are fostering an innate love for music and not a passing whim.
Rollerblading (yes, with great instruction from Uncle Nate and Daddy, you learned to rollerblade in a day or two), riding bike, singing, dancing, and swimming are some of your favorite things to do. You are still a huge fan of steak and not a lover of milk though you tolerate it. You are a great big sister to Gavin and Mya. At times, you take on more of a Mothering role, which is helpful yet frustrating for all. You have gotten the hang of how to properly change Gavin's diaper, heat up his milk to make a bottle and love to read him books and make him laugh. You are full of love.
As life became more stressful, busy and a tad chaotic with the arrival of Gavin, we have been so thankful with your willingness to help at home. You will attempt any job asked, although we sometimes have to ask a couple of times or negotiate with you. You are far too good at manipulation. Daddy and I watch with amazement as you manipulate Mya into thinking the thing she didn't want is actually that which she prefers. We frequently have to interject to make sure equality is in place. Poor Mya.
All in all, you are a loving, happy, intelligent little girl. You are good at so many things and we do our best to make sure opportunities are available to you. We do our best to foster your love for activities and simply present the options, encourage you to try them out, then let you choose. At the moment, you have a love/hate relationship with soccer. Club soccer has been great for you. Competition is a good thing and sometimes you simply cannot be the best player. That's okay. It has been a tough lesson for you as you desire to be the best. We will see how this relationship unfolds.
We love you with everything that we are. You are the light of our lives. Our family truly began with you, Claire. You make each day full. Happy, happy birthday!
