My goodness. It is hard to believe Claire is nearly one year old. She is becoming such a little person who is into EVERYTHING and goes EVERYWHERE! Her favorite destination is the bathroom. If we forget to close the door, she quickly looks for us to make sure we aren't watching and then b-lines it for the door. While in the bathroom she enjoys water activities in the toilet or a bit of dining on Harvest's food. mmmm hmmm. Enough said. Claire loves to read books, although her attention is a bit limited. I have books that are actually puzzles as well. These seem to be her new favorites along with the old goodies such as "Baby Faces," "Colors," and the 2 books from Grammie and Papa. She loves kids. I can't say it enough. This kid needs a sibling. Everywhere we go, she is more interested in the kids than anything else. When we go to Strollerstrides (I am pleased to say that we are regulars) she is awake the entire time, but when she and I go on our daily walks, she sleeps. Obviously, I am not as interesting. Point taken, Claire. She is learning new things daily. She waves, stands on her own, "gives 5", does "so big," and attempts to imitate many things we say. Some of the consistent cute things are grunts we make or when we say "uh oh." Love that. She is an awesome eater. She'll eat anything and everything, but enjoys sharing a bit too much. She'll feed herself a chicken nugget and toss one Harvest's way. It is annoying, but how do you get mad at such a good hearted girl? Sleeping is still an issue, although we are trying to tackle the problem. We load her up on food right before putting her down. When we do this, she'll typically sleep from 7 until 4. We've also tried a later bedtime, but it doesn't seem to matter. She'll eat at 4 and go back to sleep. We are in the process of weaning her off the bottle. It was my quest to have her totally off them by 1, but I am now not feeling so concerned. She uses a sippy cup during the day and a bottle for her 4:00 feeding. Definitely progress. Since being home with her full-time, she has become very attached to me. Chris took her to daycare on Wednesday morning, so I left before them. She actually cried as I left. Break my heart. Chris wasn't too impressed as he leaves everyday and all he gets is a look from the door. Anyway, she is developing well. We are loving watching her grow up into a little girl and find ourselves frequently asking how we ever got so lucky. God is good.
Love ya,