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Showing posts from August, 2008


Sadly, the summer months are coming to an end. With the end of summer, comes the end of my days hanging out with my bubby girl. Such sadness. I've tried to savor every moment with her. It actually brings tears to my eyes knowing that I won't be with her each and every day, all day. She really is apple of my eye and joy in my heart. I brought her to daycare this morning so that I could write a report that I have been putting off all summer. She was thrilled. Thrilled to see Miss Maureen. Thrilled to see Andrew. Thrilled to see all the havoc she can cause now that she is a walking machine. Knowing that she loves daycare certainly makes going to work a bit easier, but I will miss my girl. Only 9 more months until we can do it again.


As I've said before, Claire loves the water. She loves showers, pools, playing with the hose when I'm watering plants, splashing in the bucket of water when I am washing a floor. Where there is water, there is Claire. I've mentioned it before, but my parents, via my sister, gave us a swimming pool, which has been great. Claire shows no fear, even dipping her face in the water. It is pretty amazing. I can't tell you the number of kids that I've taught to swim who have avoided water on the face at all cost. This kiddo is definitely mine. We've simply been trying to acclimate her to the water as much as possible, but I wouldn't be surprised if this kiddo is truly swimming at an early age. I had better sharpen my lifeguard skills as it has been awhile since I've taught lessons. I am so excited to have a little fish!

Sweetness with a Lot of Love & Logic

How can someone filled with so many sweet moments, be filled with words like "I bite" or whining, whining, whining? This is the point we are at. Claire is an awesome kid, really the best in my biased opinion, but she is whining WAY TOO MUCH. She whines when we put her down, when we leave the room, when we walk faster than her, when we put her in her high chair, when we tell her "no," and on and on it goes. This difficult behavior makes for some very challenging moments. The second behavior that I am less than thrilled about is her biting. She bites everything and anything--the couch, the table, the dog, me, Chris. You name, she'll bite it. Granted her bites are less than actual bites, but regardless, the intent is there. It started out of frustration--bumping her head on the coffee table resulted in a bite (it was the table's fault), but it has bloomed into something else. Now she actually bites, looks me right in the eye and says very matter of factly, ...

Harvey & Claire

Claire and Harvey have a special bond. She can do basically anything she likes to him and he just lays there and takes it. She pulls his ears, "bite" him, pounds on his back, pulls his hair, lays on him, and tempts him with food then pulls it away. "Good boy" was Claire's first two word phrase, which seems very fitting. She also regularly says "Harvey." Chris and I have been trying to teach her "gentle," but it isn't a lesson learned quickly. Definitely a work in progress. but she makes up for it with lots and lots of these..... He is a great dog, loved much by this little girl.

Scuba Steve, my poolboy

WARNING: The following pictures are VERY SCARY!!! My parents gave Lisa's family a pool last summer, but they didn't want to put it on their grass, so it stayed in the box. My Mom suggested we take it back with us, so we did. We've had quite the time figuring out the chemical balance, but it has been sooo nice. Claire loves swimming. We were going in it nearly everyday for awhile, but it hasn't been as warm lately. We don't have a cover for it yet, so we've been battling all the leaves, bugs, sticks and dirt we can handle. Out of the blue today, Chris says, "I wish I had a pair of goggles, so I could clean the pool." Hmmm...what do you know, his wish is my command. Out of the cupboard popped a pair of fancy shmancy goggles! What a delight. He went to work--goggles and all while Claire and I laughed and laughed. It was way too funny. I still have yet to figure out what purpose the goggles served as the depth of the pool is only 4 feet or so and could cer...

Taking Chances

I mentioned to Chris a few weeks ago how I'd love to see Celine Dion in concert. We looked into tickets when we were in Vegas, but at $200+ it didn't seem like a wise decision. Celine came to Boston for 2 shows. She was originally scheduled for one, which sold out quickly, so they booked another for Thursday. It didn't sell well, so the Garden gave tickets to various groups of supporters. One of those groups is the USO. Chris signed up for some free tickets and we found out at 3:00 yesterday that we got 2!! Let me preface the next part by saying that I am in no way a spontaneous person. I am a well organized planner at least in most facets of my life. So, these tickets meant....Chris had to come home, shower and get ready, I had to find a babysitter (how do you find a sitter who is available in 15 minutes??), tidy up our messy house, get everything ready for the babysitter (note to self--type out a list of important info for future use--while we were out I kept remembering ...

Claire Update---13 months

Claire is becoming a verbal butterfly. Talking is definitely her thang. She imitates nearly everything as requested, but not always when requested. For example, if a clerk in a store says "good-bye," I'll tell her to say good-bye. We all sit and look at each other for a moment, waiting---for nothing. About at the point when we hit the door, Claire leisurely says "buh-bye" along with a cute little wave. Ahhhh. She is a sweetheart. Lately, the "buh-bye" has changed quite a bit. For basically one day, she modified it to "guh-bye", but more recently, it has become "boka boka bye." Initially I was thinking she was saying "rock-a-bye" and perhaps this is the case as I have been singing "Rock-a-bye Baby" to her, but her "boka boka bye" seems to be everywhere. Before I forget, I'd better list the other words she says... Momma (muh ma) Dadda (daduh) Harvey (hahee) Grammy (daya) Papa (baba) pretty up (upa) lo...

Boynton Look-alike Meter

I know, I know. This is getting old, but once again we have reached this point, Chris is convinced that Claire does not resemble him at all. Generally, comments from strangers go something like this, "Could you be any cuter? Ahhh, you look just like your Mommy." (Therefore implying that her Mommy couldn't be any cuter--right?)Here is your confirmation, Chris, that you did have a little something to do with her cuteness, perhaps not the ones seen at first glance. Those cute qualities, on the other hand, are definitely from me--blonde hair, blue-green eyes, wrinkling of her nose, as well as those not superficial--sparkling personality, intelligence. Okay, okay, you may have had something to do with her personality and intelligence... No matter which way you cut it, she is definitely OUR Clairebear. MyHeritage : Look-alike Meter - Free genealogy - Free family tree

On the Move...

Ever since Claire fell off our bed a week or so ago, she has been standing for longer periods of time and attempting more steps. Chris thinks that the fall may have knocked something loose. I am not sure the reason for the change, but this kiddo is on the move. As of last night, she was consistently taking 5 or so steps, but today she came to work with me and walked across the office. We are very excited for our little bubby girl. Make video montages at

One year pictures...

        We had Claire's one year pictures taken today. They turned out pretty well. I only wish she'd leave the clips in her hair. They would have been a cute addition, but because we've discovered exactly who is in charge, they were removed. Because the store takes so long emailing me the link, I thought I'd give you a quick look at the results. The larger, close up was entered in a contest the store was having. They also asked us to sign a release for her to be a model in their store. We have been there many times and never before been asked, so we're not sure if this is something new for everyone or just select people. Anyway, we do think Claire is picture perfect.

4 Year Anniversary

        Thursday was our four year anniversary. Chris took the day off of work and planned a day of fun--all as a surprise for me. We went to the city and took a ferry out to Spectacle Island. It was great. We ate, walked around and relaxed. Neither of us had been there before and were surprised at the great view and nice escape it provided from the activity of the city. Later that evening, one of Chris' friends came over to babysit Claire, while he and I went out for dinner and a movie. It was a much needed, relaxing evening together. Chris did a fantastic job planning the day's events and I am once again reminded of how lucky I am to have a husband like him. Thanks Chris for a memorable day. I love you.