WARNING: The following pictures are VERY SCARY!!!

My parents gave Lisa's family a pool last summer, but they didn't want to put it on their grass, so it stayed in the box. My Mom suggested we take it back with us, so we did. We've had quite the time figuring out the chemical balance, but it has been sooo nice. Claire loves swimming. We were going in it nearly everyday for awhile, but it hasn't been as warm lately. We don't have a cover for it yet, so we've been battling all the leaves, bugs, sticks and dirt we can handle. Out of the blue today, Chris says, "I wish I had a pair of goggles, so I could clean the pool." Hmmm...what do you know, his wish is my command. Out of the cupboard popped a pair of fancy shmancy goggles! What a delight. He went to work--goggles and all while Claire and I laughed and laughed. It was way too funny. I still have yet to figure out what purpose the goggles served as the depth of the pool is only 4 feet or so and could certainly be handled from outside let alone under the water! Oh well, whatever his reason, he provided much needed entertainment.

My parents gave Lisa's family a pool last summer, but they didn't want to put it on their grass, so it stayed in the box. My Mom suggested we take it back with us, so we did. We've had quite the time figuring out the chemical balance, but it has been sooo nice. Claire loves swimming. We were going in it nearly everyday for awhile, but it hasn't been as warm lately. We don't have a cover for it yet, so we've been battling all the leaves, bugs, sticks and dirt we can handle. Out of the blue today, Chris says, "I wish I had a pair of goggles, so I could clean the pool." Hmmm...what do you know, his wish is my command. Out of the cupboard popped a pair of fancy shmancy goggles! What a delight. He went to work--goggles and all while Claire and I laughed and laughed. It was way too funny. I still have yet to figure out what purpose the goggles served as the depth of the pool is only 4 feet or so and could certainly be handled from outside let alone under the water! Oh well, whatever his reason, he provided much needed entertainment.
Love ya,
What were you searching for at the bottom of your vast pool??