I mentioned to Chris a few weeks ago how I'd love to see Celine Dion in concert. We looked into tickets when we were in Vegas, but at $200+ it didn't seem like a wise decision. Celine came to Boston for 2 shows. She was originally scheduled for one, which sold out quickly, so they booked another for Thursday. It didn't sell well, so the Garden gave tickets to various groups of supporters. One of those groups is the USO. Chris signed up for some free tickets and we found out at 3:00 yesterday that we got 2!! Let me preface the next part by saying that I am in no way a spontaneous person. I am a well organized planner at least in most facets of my life. So, these tickets meant....Chris had to come home, shower and get ready, I had to find a babysitter (how do you find a sitter who is available in 15 minutes??), tidy up our messy house, get everything ready for the babysitter (note to self--type out a list of important info for future use--while we were out I kept remembering things I forgot to tell the sitter), and get myself ready---all in a matter of 25 minutes. I called a couple of my friends, but of course, they were enjoying their last days of freedom before school begins again, so I ended up running across the street and having a neighbor girl watch Claire. She brought a friend and her Mom came to check on them a few times. It wasn't the prime time to break in a new sitter, but it worked out well. She did a great job. Chris and I rushed to the city in hopes of making it in time to pick up our tickets. We weren't sure we were going to make it since we were competing with rush hour traffic, BUUUUTTTTT, a little rushing, a little or alot of sweating and a bit of worrying was all it took. We got the tickets, found an awesome restaurant in the North End--Cantina Italiana, and ate some incredible homemade pasta. It was so yummy! (I'm sure I ate my caloric intake for the day in that one meal, but it was soo worth it.) After dinner we wandered over to the Garden for the concert. Celine was excellent. Our seats were good, the music was fantastic and the show was great. She sang for 2 hours, nearly straight through. Celine sang a lot of older songs and some of her newer stuff as well as a few brand new songs. She looked incredible!! Talk about a fit momma! She has legs that I'd die for. Anyway, it was such a great night. Chris and I both had a wonderful time. Only friends or my family could have made it better. Icing on the cake was Claire sleeping in until 6:30 without a peep during the night. Amazing!
Wish I was there!
Love ya,