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Showing posts from September, 2011

I am lovin' these!

I tend to run out of things to blog about because (wait for it) (here it is) our lives are not that exciting! Yep, there you have it. Our day to day happenings are generally pretty typical and routine. We go to school/work, come home, eat dinner, play, bathe and beds begin to call our names. Thrilling. I decided to mix things up with a little post about what I am loving. Item #1--Mya. This kid has quite the personality. When describing her to others, I probably make them envision a whack job kiddo. She is bossy, wild, smart, loveable, so sweet, rough and tough, funny and completely adorable. She is definitely a spit fire. We aren't 100% potty trained, but only because she likes to be in control. Oiy. Mya loves to try on everyone's shoes, clothes and jewelry. Case in point the picture below. I ordered her a leotard since she pitches a hissy fit everytime Claire has ballet and she can't go too. I put the leotard on her, she dug out the tutu and crown. The shoes were still ...

2 year and 4 year check ups

Being in Korea living the full military family life, has made me cherish our lives we lived in Massachusetts so much more. We used to live 20 minutes away from the nearest MTF (military treatment facility), so we could choose our medical care provider. I selected my OB/GYN in Concord whom I love, love, loved! I also chose the girls' pediatrician whom we all love, love, LOVED! Our NP had a way about her. She was kind, caring and so mellow. The office didn't scream cold, bland place and our NP's philosophy was so in line with my own hopes, dreams and desires. She made certain that each visit was NOT filled with vaccinations. She made sure that each child received a book each visit. She also made sure that each visit was a positive one. I very much miss her. We've completed our second visit to the only on site pediatrician.  Since the kiddos are both on an annual appointment status now and since we are non-command sponsered, which basically means that we are on the lowest ...

Paper Lanterns & the promise of a post

So...I promised my sister that I'd post today. THe post didn't actually happen like I'd envisioned when I made that promise. Our weekend was filled with receiving gas masks (as a standard precaution), errands, and trying to teach Claire how to ride bike, which means a weekend of frustration and irritation. The girl is a perfect  blend of Chris and I. She is a perfectionistic child who has a huge stubborn streak and an eagerness to learn, but an overwhelming desire to get it right the first time. Quite frankly, most things have come quickly and easily to her. She has, after all, pretty much been the perfect baby/child thus far. I think she may have met her match. She wants nothing more than to ride a bike with only 2 wheels,  but has been experiencing her fill of frustration. That whole balancing thing has gotten the best of her. She can roll down the street on her stride bike, but the minute she hops on her bike without training wheels and attempts to pedal, the wibble wobb...

The Little Things...

There is a lovely bakery called Heavenly Bread. There are actually numerous bakeries here  for us to admire.  Claire trying to find just ONE thing to buy! CEIA--oh how we love you, our favorite brazillian steakhouse! You fill us with such goodness and the love from the waitresses is second to none. Ceia will be one very sad goodbye. yeah, Mya. She is a personality like no other. Lovin on some Orange Fanta. Another favorite since arriving in Korea. Beautiful flowers providing a border to the rice fields.  The raised grassy mounds in the background are actually burial plots. They are all over Korea--roadside, on hills, hidden in a secluded area. They are raised to replicate the womb in which they entered this world.  Bindgo ditches or as Claire still refers to them , "dindgo bitches." We find it too cute that we can't bring ourselves to correct her. This is the Korean drainage system to protect from flooding during mo...

And so it begins...

We've held off on enrolling Claire in classes and activities partly due to the fact that she is only 4 and I want her to be a kid and simply enjoy the simplicity of day to day activities, partly due to the fact that we now live in Korea where there isn't a ton of opportunities for a child of dually employed parents, and partly due to my own selfishness knowing that there is a long road filled with games, practices, recitals, concerts, etc. lying ahead. That being said, we are setting foot on that road so to speak. Claire had her first ballet class this week. While we were in ND, we found ballet leotards, slippers and tights for her big gig. She was super excited and we've talked at length so she'd know what to expect. I was a bit nervous that she wouldn't separate well. (She sometimes becomes extremely shy and overwhelmed by situations, preferring to sit on the sidelines to analyze before jumping into the activity.) Luckily my nerves were immediately resolved a...

Catching up....

Wow, it has been a long time since I've blogged. My apologies. Life has been crazy busy since we arrived back in S. Korea. The trip back went well with no meltdowns, but frequent trips to the bathroom. Gotta love that Mya uses a trip to the toilet as an escape from boredom or anything that she doesn't want to do. My children also couldn't manage to get their bathroom schedules to coincide, which meant multiple trips for this threesome. Yippee. We had one day to deal with the jetlag in the company of Chris before he returned to work. Chris working meant that I singlehandedly dealt with the 2:30 am starts to our day in addition to my own difficulty falling asleep at night. It was a joyous week with many tears shed! Glad those days are behind us for awhile at least. School/work is back in full swing. I've taken on the role as CSC Chairperson at our school, which basically means that I oversee all special education in our building in addition to servicing my Speech kiddos...