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2 year and 4 year check ups

Being in Korea living the full military family life, has made me cherish our lives we lived in Massachusetts so much more. We used to live 20 minutes away from the nearest MTF (military treatment facility), so we could choose our medical care provider. I selected my OB/GYN in Concord whom I love, love, loved! I also chose the girls' pediatrician whom we all love, love, LOVED! Our NP had a way about her. She was kind, caring and so mellow. The office didn't scream cold, bland place and our NP's philosophy was so in line with my own hopes, dreams and desires. She made certain that each visit was NOT filled with vaccinations. She made sure that each child received a book each visit. She also made sure that each visit was a positive one. I very much miss her. We've completed our second visit to the only on site pediatrician.  Since the kiddos are both on an annual appointment status now and since we are non-command sponsered, which basically means that we are on the lowest priority for appointments making it very difficult to get appointments, I opted to wait until Claire turned 4 to take them both in at the same time. Back to the appointment....I got there early--30 minutes early, hoping that we'd be able to complete the vaccinations prior to our office appointment. Low and behold, immunizations was delayed. Mya realized where we were and remembered what transpired last time we this office. She began crying and saying, "no shot. no shot." Yep, 30 minutes of whining, reassuring and tears. Joy. We finally got into the doctor's office 30 minutes after our appointment was schedule (yep, do the math--60 minutes of waiting in the office and yet no shots or visit was completed). Because the doctor was finally ready to see us, I crossed our name off on the immunizations list and proceeded inside the doctor's office. Claire was a trooper as always. Really, this kiddo has never cried much more than a whimper at any medical appointment. Again, I credit Lynne. Her experience has always been warm and fuzzy with nothing to fear. Anyway, she complied, having her height and weight measurements taken. Mya wasn't so agreeable. I ended up holding her against the wall, while the nurse tried to read the numbers. I am, therefore, not confident in any of her numbers this visit. The same was true when Dr. Cho finally came in for the exam. Claire did all she was asked, although that was minimal as well. Again I reflect to our MA experience. At Claire's 3 year check up, she completed a hearing screening, vision screening, academic screening, and quick motor screen. Nothing of that nature took place this time. I have no concerns regarding Claire's development, but I can't help to wonder what happens or what is missed with children whose parents are less informed or educated than Chris and I. It is so disappointing as now this will be my assumption that all military medical care is minimal at best. I will definitely make every effort to seek an outside provider when we return to the States. Mya's checkup was even less than Claire's. She wouldn't comply at all. He attempted to listen to her heart, but Mya was crying. He tried to look in her ears while I held her head and that was it. Aiy, yaiy, yaiy. I am glad this is our final check up and will keep my fingers crossed that it is our last need for medical care here in Korea. I have not been impressed even though Dr. Cho and the rest of the staff have been very kind. I simply feel the care is less than adequate as compared to that which we are used to receiving. Here's to hoping there is another Lynn Monfreda wherever this road may lead us!

Here are their stats:
Claire: (4 years, 2 months)
height--37.7 inches (12th %ile)
weight--30.36 pounds (9th %ile)

Mya: (2 years, 4 months)
height--32.96 inches (8th %ile)

weight--27.5 pounds (43rd %ile)
head--50.25 cm

Here are some pictures from our trip to Seoul yesterday just to keep you all satisifed ;)

Our lovelies...

Mya talking to Claire. She has quite the facial expressions. They speak volumes!

Whackadoo! ;)

This is what I get when I say "a nice smile." Scrunched up nose and all!

Love her so!

Love the lighting in this picture. 

This is just as the swing came back and bumped Claire in the head. So funny.

Awww, this smile melts my heart every time.

This kiddo is a daredevil. She attempts everything. This structure is 5 feet up and goes higher. Claire was not interested at all, but here is Mya, no hesitation. Love that quality!

Not such a fan of this quality. She isn't the most cooperative child about pictures.  Ha!

This may be my favorite Korea picture yet. In the background is the Seoul tower with two of my favorite people in the foreground. Beautiful.


Jessica said…
Love the pics! They are so darn adorable! Hope things are going well. We could use frequent blogs. I know you are busy but never too busy for family, right?

Love ya,
Kara said…
Exactly, Jess. Where's your blog?? I want someone to bother ;)
Jessica said…
Bother? Is that how you talk to your readers, aka biggest fans? No blogs here..nothing to blog about!

Get to work!
Love ya, J
Kara said…
nothing to blog about??!! you have an ever growing tummy of which i'd love to see the weekly pics. you could also blog about vomitting, getting fatter, names, your nieces/nephew, your sisters, on and on it goes! so much! I'll be waiting and yes, I'll even design the blog for you!
your welcome.

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