the crazy train that is, not me. I am not slowing down. Too much to do in so little time ;) We had a great weekend. We didn't DO alot, went basically nowhere, but my head is much clearer and I feel we have a plan in place. This is what we accomplished: 1. I made a list of all the things I want/need to get done. 2. I made homemade oreos and gave nearly all to neighbors and Chris' work friends. 3. I created little Halloween treats for Claire and Mya's friends at school. 4. Laundry was washed & dried. 5. I began going through the stacks of papers that have become my recipes, cutting and filing appropriately. 6. I prepared the new meatball recipe that we will eat for dinner tonight. 7. I put together the salad I brought to work for a luncheon today. 8. I made Mya's lunch for today. 9. Chris fixed the hole in the bike tire so Mya can work on riding a bike with two wheels. 10. Chris put up the crib. 11. I updated the software on my computer and Chris attempted...