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Claire, Mya and the NEWS

Chris and I had this elaborate plan on how we were going to share the news with our girls. I ordered adorable shirts, which took forever to get here. They were supposed to ship Oct. 4, but didn't. I am not a patient soul at all. I love to share good news and spread the excitement.

We went to a German doctor last week for a gender reveal ultrasound. He was 99% certain of his selection. Claire and I began looking at clothes online. She asked questions about why we were looking at baby clothing, but thankfully, my sister has a little guy and a baby girl who is due in December. They are my perfect excuses for all things baby! Claire asked nothing more and began pointing out things we should buy Jackson or the new baby girl.

Our weekends typically involve partaking in a local event or just relaxing, which means a trip to the KMCC Mall. Saturday we went shopping or at least looking. Once again, the girls became excited, choosing items for Jackson or the new baby girl. I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Chris said something to spark their thinking and lead them to think WE may be having a baby, but neither child took the bait. It got the best of me and I blurted it out right there and then. Claire processed the news quickly. She repeatedly said, "I can't believe we are having a baby!" She hugged me and my growing belly and followed me around the remainder of the trip, making comments about her shock and excitement. Mya was a tad slower. She was too interested in choosing pacifiers, but it finally clicked. Her initial comment was to Claire--"Now I don't need you to be my baby anymore, I can push our new baby in the green stroller!" Totally adorable and an apparent dream come true for her.

Our entire weekend was filled with hugs and conversation around one topic--baby. They are enamored with the idea and excited for March to roll around. Claire and Mya have single handedly shared the news with more random people than I have friends--bx workers, waiter, neighbors, their friends on our street, etc. They are thrilled.

Although our plan wasn't executed like we had planned, the reaction was just as we had hoped. I am pretty certain that we will have the greatest big sisters a kiddo could ever want. They are already planning a feeding schedule, diaper changes, where the baby's bed can go in their room, and who will push the stroller first. It is a big job, being a big sister, but they are both eager and excited to take it on.

This is one lucky kiddo and I am the luckiest Momma alive.

P.S.--I bet you thought I was going to reveal the gender. Ha! NOPE!


Anonymous said…
Ha! If you can keep the gender a secret I will be shocked! I'm so happy for you all and even more excited to have babies so close in age. They will be great friends! We are all sick again. Cursed by the plague of daycare...ugh!
Love ya, j
Erin said…
you won't be able to keep it a secret!!! Congrats again!
Kara said…
Thank you for the vote of confidence. Perhaps you know me TOOOO well. We'll see. I do like a challenge. Just stay away from my kiddos. They like to blurt it all--name and gender. TROUBLE.
Soupy said…
Anonymous said…
Well I think the kids are doing great keeping the name a secret. I tried all my tricks and had no luck! I will have to work a little harder!

Love ya, J
Erin said…
you have a name too?!?! My goodness you were quick!
Kara said…
We've been waiting some time, Erin :) 4 years gives you alot of brainstorming time. Ha. Can't wait to hear your name selection and the news of his arrival.
Kara said…
ANNNDDDD you both know that I will reveal the gender sooner rather than later. I am just not 100% convinced at this point as it is still a bit early, so holding off for another month or so.
Anonymous said…
I want to know the name...I can only handle one surprise name withholder in this family!! :) PLEASE TELL!!!
Kara said…
oh Lauren, Lauren, Lauren. Do you not know me well? Have I ever been able to keep anything awesome a secret? In due time, young sister. In due time... Just stay away from Chris. He's blabbing to everyone. He's much, much worse than our young children :)

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