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A month of Thanks.

I am going to try something different. Many friends are posting something they are thankful for each day through the month of November. I am going to post each day within the same post in hopes that I have a list of 30 items at the end of the month.
November 1: I am thankful for weekends. Time to nap, time to catch up on laundry. Time to chat with my kids.
November 2: I am thankful for lunch delivered to my table. Chinese food has become our Sunday lunch tradition. I love it. Eating at our leisure, chatting with our children, fighting over the rice and chicken, and listening to Gavin fuss when the spoon is taken away from his mouth. The boy likes to eat.
November 3: I am thankful for my job. I essentially make my own schedule, which means quiet days when I am battling a sinus infection. LOVE.
November 4: I am thankful for my family. They tolerate my moodiness, love me despite my flaws and push me to better myself.
November 5: I am thankful for Reading Counts. It is through this program that I am able to interact with Claire and feel her love of reading. She is reading like no other--often a chapter book per night. She reads in her bed at night, in the car, in my office, on the couch, announcing when she finished a chapter and waits for her "way to go" or "good job" from Chris and I. Man I love that. She is flourishing and I am so thankful.
November 6: I am thankful for sweet words. Mya comes up with the best ones. "That is so beautiful." "Oh, I really love that." These words uttered in my kids' little voices warms my heart like nothing else and instantly brings a smile to my face no matter the moment.
November 7: I am thankful for patience. Sometimes I am lacking, but I do appreciate when I have plenty. Patience to keep calm, keep my cool and not flip out at silly Saturday happenings--fights between sisters, not listening to directions, touching things little hands are not supposed to, leaving small pieces of toys on the floor which yearns to Gavin to come.
November 8: I am thankful for new carseats. Gavin just upgraded to his convertible carseat. He loves it. He can actually see out the window in the van, which means a whole new world has opened up before him. Now we ride in silence most of the time as he looks at all that passes by.
November 9: I am thankful for rain. Obviously rain makes everything new again, washes away the old. I am thankful for a more selfish reason. Rain keeps my children inside, close to me. It allows me to be the homebody I desire to be at times.
November 10: I am thankful for morning. A fresh start, a sleep to wash away events from the day before. We wake with happy children, excited to see what the new day will hold.
November 11: I am thankful for the military life we once lead. Today is Veteran's Day. A day we honor those who have protected and continue to protect our freedom. I am thankful.
November 12: I am thankful for my colleagues. Those who push me to do better, support me, and appreciate me.
November 13: I am thankful for online shopping. It is nearly the middle of November and for the first time in maybe forever, I am nearly done Christmas shopping thanks to Amazon, Old Navy, etc.
November 14: I am thankful for big sisters. They are the best babysitters, the best playmates, the most fun, and according to their little brother, they must have hung the moon. They are nothing but love.
November 15: I am thankful for Christmas decorations. We put up Christmas today. I love the beauty of Christmas, the "specialness" of the decor, the ornaments that each have special meaning. I love sharing it all with my children in hopes they one day carry the love to their children.
November 16: I am thankful for my husband. He doesn't give himself nearly enough credit, but he is an amazing father. He is methodical in his explanations, is purposeful in his learning and eager to push our children to better themselves. He is perfect.
November 17:  I am thankful for parent/teacher conference days. These days are relaxed. Easy.
November 18: I am thankful for my children's teachers. Those they have now, those they've had in the past and those they will have in the future. I am thankful for the love of learning they have as a result of these amazing individuals.
November 19: I am thankful for my beautiful family. They are such amazing people. Sure we have our moments of frustration and irritation, but I can't imagine going a day without them. They are my everything. My kids are incredible, loving people. They are the best of friends and such intelligent little souls. They love to help, make things better and make each day brighter.
November 20: I am thankful for Chris. He is my number 1, my everything. I take him for granted so often, but truthfully, he is my person. He makes everything okay. Our relationship has changed so much over the past 7 years, but we always work together on making it better, knowing that we are forever. I can't ever tell him how much I love him. He handles my "dementia" like a champ, listens to my frustration, hears my plea for help, and works his magic to make it all better. I love, love, love this man and know full well how lucky I am.
November 21: I am thankful for my Dad. Today is his birthday. He is 70. It hurts that I am not near to celebrate with him, but this man has taught me more than anyone. When I reflect on myself, I feel like I am alot like him. I know I look alot like him, but I think he taught me to make things okay, settle differences, act as the middle man, be emotional/passionate, most of my singing skill came from him, he taught me how to golf, keep my head in the game and focus, he taught me to keep calm so that I can think clearly. He has bailed me from a number of jams throughout my life. He was the one I could call, knowing he would always do whatever he needed in order to help me. He was my rock. I am only so blessed that my children have come to know him and love him like I do. He is an amazing Dad and I am so thankful that he is mine. I can only hope to pass on such wonderful wisdom, insight and love to my children.
November 22: I am thankful for base resources. Although we live overseas, being affiliated with the military base makes life "normal." I am so thankful that we have a commissary to buy all our "American" needs, a post office, the BX, etc. I can't imagine living overseas without these supports.
November 23: I am thankful for Natalie. She is Gavin's daycare provider. She's watched him since he was 6 weeks old and loves him like he is her son. I am so thankful to have her in our life. Knowing that Gavin is in the best of care, allows me to do my job well and eases my mind that he is safe, loved and having fun.
November 23: I am thankful for traditions. We celebrated Thanksgiving early as we are due to travel, but I am thankful my children know and understand Thanksgiving, that they will appreciate the home cooked meal, the Christmas decorations and the stories that coincide, the routine of celebrating Jesus' birth and the family that is the center of it all. I am thankful to have had these traditions during my childhood and that I may share them with my children who may one day share them with their own.
November 24: I am thankful for opportunities. I never in my life imagined I would live in Europe. I had dreams of living in New York City, but never Europe. I am thankful for the opportunity the military provided. I am thankful for the opportunity to work for DODEA, the opportunity to continue this journey and the opportunities that may arise as we go. The road we walk is an amazing one.
November 25: I am thankful for the telephone. I've called my Mom 4 days in a row. I am so thankful that even though we may be an ocean apart, I am still able to pick up the phone and talk with her like we are next door. It is an incredible invention and one that I am grateful.
November 26: I am thankful for motivation. Chris and I have decided to focus on our health. After talking for sometime about what "I am going to do after I have this baby," I am finally putting a plan into place. We are beginning crossfit next week. I finally have the motivation and focus needed to execute this plan. I am scared. I am nervous and I fear that I may die, BUT I want to be healthy. I want to show my children that they can do anything. I want to show them that I have pride in myself and most importantly, that I love them.
November 27: I am thankful for experiences. Chris and I used to talk about where we saw our lives in 5 years, 10 years, etc. and never did we actually think we'd have the experiences we have. I take them for granted so often, but something about hearing the words, "Czech Republic," "Germany," "Switzerland," etc. out of the mouths of my children makes that reality set in. We are living an amazing life that most only dream of. We've seen more places in this lifetime than most. Our children have set foot on four continents in their short, short lives. We have sooo much to be thankful for.
November 28: We wandered around Prague today, owning it like natives, hopping on a bus, to the subway and taking it all in. We stopped at a few Christmas markets, stood, looking in amazement in the Old Square as a Gothic Church with two ornate spires towered over us. So much beauty and heartache in this gorgeous city. Our little family is attempting to seize each moment.
November 29: As we swam our little hearts out at the AquaPalace waterpark, I found myself thankful for the hours upon hours we've spent at the pool, watching our children go from floundering little beings who couldn't doggie paddle to actual swimmers. Other children their ages were wearing life jackets, floaties, etc., but our children could jump in any pool and swim with no alarm.
November 30: When traveling in new cities, we've become accustomed to taking the "hop on, hop off" bus tour. It is the perfect way to rest our legs, get a feel for what there is to see and hear the history along the ride, history that we'd never learn otherwise. It is this tour that brought much thankfulness into my heart. Due to the history of Communism in the Czech Republic, religion was nearly wiped out. According to the guide, only 30% of the population believe in some form of God, the remaining 70% are atheist. These statistics break my heart. How can one go day in and day out, not knowing that someone is there for them, that something better is to come, that living according to God's word, provides a light in your life and heart. Such sadness, but thankful that neither I nor my family have known such heartache.


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