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One Amazing Year

Dearest G,
Life is funny. After we had Claire, we wondered if we were capable of loving anyone else quite as much. Along came Mya and blew all hesitations away,  yet we wondered once again. Finally, came you. Our love for you has surpassed any measure. You are a perfect addition to our family. God certainly knew what he was doing when he blessed our family with your presence. You are the ying to your sisters' yang. You are the balance we needed. You, my sweet boy, are one year old today. It is with such joy and happiness that we've celebrated all this first year has encompassed and look forward to each amazing adventure ahead.
Here are the facts:
You wear size 4 diapers.
12 mo. clothing
Eat anything and everything.
I kid that you are delayed as you think a wave means anything/everything. Perhaps you got it right as that wave is guaranteed to bring smiles to everyone's face.
You say "mama," "dadda," "yumm." I swear you've said "mya" and "claire" too, but only once or twice.
The other day we were getting ready to leave. I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I told you to get your coat so we could go bye-bye. Moments later it was silent in the foyer. I peaked out, only to see you walking over towards the bathroom with your coat in hand. Such a smart kiddo!
You walk like a pro!
You roll the ball and retrieve it too.
You LOVE rides in the stroller and being outside. You cry when it is time to come in.
You love music. We often turn on Vevo just so we can see you dance--shaking your bootie up and down. So darn cute!
You sleep well-6:30 pm to 6:00 am. We snuggle, give you milk, then lay you down. Super easy.
Claire and Mya are your favorites. You search for them when they are not there. You want their attention and they LOVE to dote on you! We have a rotation so each can have equal opportunity to snuggle with you in the morning and bring you downstairs after a nap. They are in love!
You are really a pretty easy kid. You love to be around people, but you are content playing independently. You still love to have something hanging out of your mouth. Claire likes to share that you are part dog-eating off the floor and carrying things around in your mouth. A very cute dog.
You continue to lay down on the floor from time to time. Just taking a break for a minute. Totally adorable.
You have 6 teeth--4 on top, 2 on the bottom.
Your eyes are still blue, hair is blonde.

It has been such a great year, G. You are most certainly a bright spot in our family, a true gift from God. We love watching your personality grow and change. The girls tell anyone who will lend an ear, all about you. You are definitely their pride and joy. We all feel so blessed to be your family. We love you, Gavin.


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