Happy Birthday, Gavin.
You are officially 4 years old. I suppose it will always feel like this, but it seems you've grown in the blink of an eye. You are such a big kid now. You care about your outfits, always wanting to look cool. You choose your own snacks--preferred snack is a chocolate granola bar. You are finally toilet trained. It felt like this took such a long time, but I am partially to blame as I knew you'd not go to school in diapers and it was simply easier to tote around diapers than stop life as we knew it to run you to a bathroom. Anyway, you proudly wear your batman underwear and declare that you can stand up to go potty like your daddy. You have a streak of stubbornness, but a sweetness to you as well. You love your Momma and thankfully, insist on kissing my lips and cheek everyday I drop you off at Natalie's. I must admit, this is a favorite event of mine. I love looking at you and remembering the baby you once were. Though I truly love this phase of life with you begin big and talkative and wise about so much, I can't help but remember the little guy who used to lay in my arms and look up at me with his big blue eyes. Those blue eyes have stuck around. You are a handsome kiddo. You wear size 3T clothing with some 4T shirts, size 10 shoes. You are 31 pounds and 3.5 feet tall. You know many letters, all your colors, many numbers, are working on basic addition, can count, rhyme and love to read books. Playing trucks and cars as well as occasionally, soccer are your favorite playtime activities. Gavin, you are a great helper. You assist with emptying the dishwasher, doing laundry or washing the floors. You tell everyone Luna is your best friend.
Life is such fun with you. You learned to ride your bike without training wheels in August of 2018--shortly after you turned 3. You love to drive your power wheels police car around. I must say you have better driving skills, whipping in and out of the garage or around trees, than many adults! You can be pretty shy. You hesitate to say hi to most people. You cling tightly near me when someone approaches you unsure what they will say or do. You say some of the sweetest thing--oh that's beautiful, or so delicious. Those words melt my heart.
This year will be a big one for us. You are the one child who has been excited about moving to Texas since before we even knew we were moving to Texas! I think you are looking forward to the change.
I love you so much Gavin. You are such a gift to our family and we cannot wait to see what this year brings.
You are officially 4 years old. I suppose it will always feel like this, but it seems you've grown in the blink of an eye. You are such a big kid now. You care about your outfits, always wanting to look cool. You choose your own snacks--preferred snack is a chocolate granola bar. You are finally toilet trained. It felt like this took such a long time, but I am partially to blame as I knew you'd not go to school in diapers and it was simply easier to tote around diapers than stop life as we knew it to run you to a bathroom. Anyway, you proudly wear your batman underwear and declare that you can stand up to go potty like your daddy. You have a streak of stubbornness, but a sweetness to you as well. You love your Momma and thankfully, insist on kissing my lips and cheek everyday I drop you off at Natalie's. I must admit, this is a favorite event of mine. I love looking at you and remembering the baby you once were. Though I truly love this phase of life with you begin big and talkative and wise about so much, I can't help but remember the little guy who used to lay in my arms and look up at me with his big blue eyes. Those blue eyes have stuck around. You are a handsome kiddo. You wear size 3T clothing with some 4T shirts, size 10 shoes. You are 31 pounds and 3.5 feet tall. You know many letters, all your colors, many numbers, are working on basic addition, can count, rhyme and love to read books. Playing trucks and cars as well as occasionally, soccer are your favorite playtime activities. Gavin, you are a great helper. You assist with emptying the dishwasher, doing laundry or washing the floors. You tell everyone Luna is your best friend.
Life is such fun with you. You learned to ride your bike without training wheels in August of 2018--shortly after you turned 3. You love to drive your power wheels police car around. I must say you have better driving skills, whipping in and out of the garage or around trees, than many adults! You can be pretty shy. You hesitate to say hi to most people. You cling tightly near me when someone approaches you unsure what they will say or do. You say some of the sweetest thing--oh that's beautiful, or so delicious. Those words melt my heart.
This year will be a big one for us. You are the one child who has been excited about moving to Texas since before we even knew we were moving to Texas! I think you are looking forward to the change.
I love you so much Gavin. You are such a gift to our family and we cannot wait to see what this year brings.