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Showing posts from May, 2008

A busy, busy girl.

  I have been busy making clips. It is so much fun. Although I have hopes and dreams of selling them ($1.75 each), I make them with the idea of jazzing up Claire's little hairdo's. She is finally to the point where I can put her hair in a "Pebbles" hairdo. It is too cute. I am sending some to Ava too, so she can be accessorized. Fun, fun, fun.


        Claire has gotten somewhat selective as to when she smiles. It has been a challenge getting it on film. We are about to head to Maine to celebrate with Erin (graduation from law school:)), so I thought I'd try and take some photos of our adorable little girl. She actually cooperated. I only posed her for the couch photo and the rest were on her own. I must say that I had to whip out a repetoire of sounds to elicit the smiles, but I guess beggars can't be choosers. She is too cute.

Getting Bigger

        Claire is getting to be such a little person--complete with her mama's attitude. She is such fun. Claire loves being outside and if she can't be outside, looking out the door/window is second best--similar to Harvest. She is eating well and has finally mastered the sippy cup (at least one kind). This huge improvement makes the idea of getting rid of her bottles at 12 months much more of a possibility. The thought of not waking mid-night to mix a concoction of formula/water is simply delightful. She is sleeping well too. We can finally and safely say that we have established a routine that works. This has been going for the last month or so, but I didn't want to jinx it until the routine was firmly established. It seems that it has (cue the allelujiah chorus)! We put a little Jim Brickman or Beethoven on the CD player, dim the lights and the mood is complete. Next stop dreamland. She lays down, literally whimpers for a minute or two and she's asleep. It is awe...

Hair Clips

  I had a creative kick this afternoon, so instead of scrapbooking Claire's ever-increasing mounds and mounds of pictures, I decided to make some hair clips. Aren't they cute? I am trying to convince my sister, Jessica to partner up with me on a little business venture. I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, if you'd like to buy a clip or two, post a comment with your email address.

10 Months

Claire is 10 months old today. How time flies! People have always told us to enjoy every minute with our baby because they fly by, but it is hard to truly understand until their gone. We have cherished the past 10 months. Claire is doing great. She has mastered crawling, going up the stairs, feeding herself, beginning to wave "bye-bye," imitates "so big" after doing it with help a few times, does a bit of talking and she's attempting to stand independently. She can stand for a couple of seconds before she falls down, but it is coming along. She is finally starting to initiate it herself, which is a big step forward. In the past month, Claire has begun to show some fear. She tears up when Harvest barks around her. She is still very petite. In fact, she is currently wearing 6 month clothing, which is great because she can wear Ava's clothes even though Ava was born in April. My big worry about the seasons not coordinating hasn't been an issue afterall. Cla...

Clothes, Glorious Clothes!!

  Clothes, clothes, clothes---all Claire's, all for FREE!!! My sister, Lisa and her husband, Phil have been incredibly generous. When we moved to MA, they sent 7 huge plastic tubs of baby clothes, toys, baby swing, bottles, & basically anything else we could possibly ever need if we were to have either a boy or girl. We have it all. Each trip to North Dakota involves stuffing, jamming, & shoving as many articles of clothing that can fit, into our suitcases. Generally we aren't able to fit alot because we have to have 2 weeks worth of our own clothing. However, this quick little jaunt home was the perfect opportunity to bring back many items. Yeah!! I am pleased to say that Claire is set for the summer and probably the fall, too. Yippee!! Thanks so much Lisa and Phil! We are very thankful to have such generous family. We can't thank you enough for all the clothes and baby stuff. It is awesome!

Speed Racers: Luke & Claire


Sliding with Olivia


Mother's Day

        Our first Mother's Day together was spent shopping and hanging out at the zoo. It was Claire's first trip to a zoo and I thought she was going to sleep through the entire thing. However, she awoke as we approached the bear exhibit. From that point on she was wide eyed. Luke and Olivia were great little tour guides, but we took the train ride which gives a run down on each exhibit as you pass by. It was a nice day. Claire had fun playing on the playground with her cousins just before we left. Our day was wrapped up with a yummy dinner at Johnny Carino's.