Clothes, clothes, clothes---all Claire's, all for FREE!!! My sister, Lisa and her husband, Phil have been incredibly generous. When we moved to MA, they sent 7 huge plastic tubs of baby clothes, toys, baby swing, bottles, & basically anything else we could possibly ever need if we were to have either a boy or girl. We have it all. Each trip to North Dakota involves stuffing, jamming, & shoving as many articles of clothing that can fit, into our suitcases. Generally we aren't able to fit alot because we have to have 2 weeks worth of our own clothing. However, this quick little jaunt home was the perfect opportunity to bring back many items. Yeah!! I am pleased to say that Claire is set for the summer and probably the fall, too. Yippee!! Thanks so much Lisa and Phil! We are very thankful to have such generous family. We can't thank you enough for all the clothes and baby stuff. It is awesome!
Love ya,