Claire is getting to be such a little person--complete with her mama's attitude. She is such fun. Claire loves being outside and if she can't be outside, looking out the door/window is second best--similar to Harvest. She is eating well and has finally mastered the sippy cup (at least one kind). This huge improvement makes the idea of getting rid of her bottles at 12 months much more of a possibility. The thought of not waking mid-night to mix a concoction of formula/water is simply delightful. She is sleeping well too. We can finally and safely say that we have established a routine that works. This has been going for the last month or so, but I didn't want to jinx it until the routine was firmly established. It seems that it has (cue the allelujiah chorus)! We put a little Jim Brickman or Beethoven on the CD player, dim the lights and the mood is complete. Next stop dreamland. She lays down, literally whimpers for a minute or two and she's asleep. It is awesome! She does go to sleep at 7:00, but we wake at 5:30, so it is perfect. She nearly sleeps through the night, although we are not quite there yet.
She took her first tumble yesterday. Sadly, I was at "happy hour" subjecting myself to a little alcohol induced happiness (I only added that for dramatic effect. I was simply enjoying some much needed time with the girls.). Chris was busy making her a bottle and Claire was messing with her carseat. She was kneeling in it when it tipped and over she went. Bumped her poor little mouth on the tile and blood was spilling out. It was tragic! Chris was rather nervous, but it seems he did well. A little water and a little loving was all she needed. I came home to a sleeping, yet bloody little girl. She was a bit sensitive to eating and drinking, but is perfectly fine today. One calamity has passed! Sorry no photos to share.
Love ya,Jessica