Claire and Lynn
Claire's height being measured. She is just so cool.
Claire's weight being measured.
Claire had her 1 year well baby check a bit late. It was more like a 13 month well baby check, only because our travel plans this summer pushed it back a bit. All went well. The numbers simply stated the obvious--she is a peanut. Here are the stats:
weight 18# 7 oz. (10th %ile)
height 28" (10th %ile)
head circumference 47cm (50th %ile)
Her NP, Lynn, was not concerned. She said as long as height and weight are proportionate, Claire is fine. Claire eats everything, but just not alot. We are going to try and fatten her up a bit though. We generally feed her after she attempts to feed herself, but I guess we'll do a bit more of that vs. encouraging independence. Lynn suggested feeding her more protein, which we will also try. She was impressed with Claire's language abilities. She has quite a few words and even showed them off for Lynn and the nurses. Claire's newest skill is telling us what a cow and doggie say. Her "moo" is more like "mmmmmmm," which is so sweet. Lynn was pleased to hear Claire was off the bottle and felt developmentally, she is right on track. She got 2 shots and a finger prick for lead screening. Claire only cried for 1 minute or so. She is one tough cookie.
Love ya,