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Showing posts from December, 2008

A Christmas Wish...

My Christmas wish came true. In a strange turn of our bad luck, Chris missed his rotator to Kuwait. As a result, he was able to return to Boston with us, actually, before us. After waiting 12 hours in the airport, my flight with Claire was cancelled from Baltimore, but Chris' made it back. He picked us up from the airport on Monday, we ran some errands on base and returned home to unpack and pack again. We all made the trip to ND. Chris was a bit skeptical about his flight since he had a 2 stop journey. His first flight was delayed, which in turn, affected his second. Luckily, O'Hare was delayed too. My sister and her family picked him up around 1:00 am and we flew in at 11:00 pm. It was a long day. My Mom is in the hospital for her second Christmas in a row. She has had an infection in her body, which makes it extremely difficult to walk. Sadly, she found out yesterday, she has to have a knee replacement. Hard to believe as she is far from old. We are going to visit her today ...

Ice Storm Pics

Random DC Pics


One Frickin Nightmare

Ok. We are in Baltimore. So glad to see Chris. Claire is all over him, soaking up every second of attention he gives her. He had issues with his flights due to the weather, so he didn't arrive until nearly 5:00. We basically went to the hotel, ate and hung out. It was nice and relaxing. Saturday we decided to head into DC to see some sights. We had fun. We took a trolley tour, ate lunch, wandered around a bit and decided to try the Amtrak for the ride back. Neither of us had been on a true train before, so it was a fun first experience. However, things took a horrible turn for the worst. I had to show my ID on the train, so in the midst of dealing with Claire, getting situated, etc., I simply stuck my wallet in the front pocket of our diaper bag. Somewhere in the process of waiting for a shuttle bus and getting off, my wallet was stolen. There was a suspicious man who was pacing back and forth which made me double check for my camera and wallet. Both were accounted for at that poin...

It's a ....

I don't know what I was thinking. I am not a surprise person and I should just come to terms with that. I was laying on the ultrasound table after giving the cute little note card to the tech, only to beg her to tell me what it was. So....another little girl will be joining our family in May. I guess my senses were off this time around. Not sure they were senses per say, but more or less trusting in the old wives tales. My pregnancy has been so different that I thought it just could not be a sweet and innocent girl. Boy was I wrong. Hopefully, my experience thus far isn't a predictor of things to come. I called Chris who decided he rather know now vs. in a few days, so I guess we are two of a kind. We are back to the drawing board with names. We just can't seem to agree on anything, so luckily we have 20 more weeks to brainstorm and hopefully this kiddo won't come home with the name Baby Boynton. Although a bit surprised, we are very excited that our little darlings wil...


On a very happy note, today I have an ultrasound to thoroughly check out our little bambino or bambina. That too will be determined. I am having them write the gender on a card, but I am not taking my eyes off the screen. I generally can't tell what I am looking at anyway, so I am not sure if it will matter. I am and have been somewhat convinced for sometime that we are having a boy. I don't know what it is that makes me feel this way. I just do. Chris claims he has no idea and doesn't want to say either way as he was wrong last time. I guess we will see. Either way, obviously, we will both be happy as babies are such a gift.

Land of Living...

We have returned to the land of the living. As you've probably heard, MA was hit heavily by freezing rain. Although storms of this nature are quite common out here, this is the first I've been through since moving here three years ago. Of course, it had to occur when Chris was away as all bad things do! Thursday night was filled with a whole lot of security work and not much sleep, well at least for me. Claire and Harvest slept great! Trees were snapping throughout the night, sounding like gunshots. It was awful. Chris used to worry about the huge trees that align our house. I guess I took over that worry. Each seemed to stay intact and fairly upright, though. I thought we were in good shape. The electricity went out around 2:00 am, which sounded off our security system. Scary. I shut it off and went searching for candles and a lighter. I did manage some sleep for a couple more hours and later called in to work, thinking I'd be a few hours late. The main problem through my ...

Here's a happy song!!!

Envision me singing this lovely song while doing a happy dance while Claire is spinning and trying to sing along because that is what she does best. This activity will be going on for the next several days. We are so excited!!! We get to go see Chris. We get to go see Chris. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, We get to go see Chris. I am so excited. I am so excited. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, I am so excited. In only 9 more days. In only 9 more days. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, In only 9 more days. We'll stay all weekend long. We'll stay all weekend long. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, We'll stay all weekend long. I love my husband, Chris. I love my husband, Chris. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, I love my husband, Chris. This is a wish come true. This is a wish come true. Hi Ho the Derry Oh, This is a wish come true.

P.S. Thank goodness for cousins!

Claire's closet was replenished from our trip to ND. Can I just say thank goodness for cousins? I've said it before, but really, Chris and I have spent so little on clothing for Claire because my sister, Lisa has graciously given us all of her children's clothing. We are so greatful!! My latest trip brought back several dresses, including the one that Claire wore to church today. So cute. Thanks again, Lisa & Phil. We appreciate the clothes so very much!


Claire and I ventured to church by ourselves this morning. I was actually kind of emotional about it, oddly enough. We belong to a fairly small church, where the pastor comes around and makes it a point to visit with nearly everyone. I was concerned he'd ask about Chris, which typically brings tears to my eyes. He did and I did, but thankfully Claire stepped up as the center of attention. Thank God for little kids! They have excellent timing. Church was awesome. Claire sat or snuggled through the entire service with nothing louder than a little singing coming from her lips. She was so tired by the end, immediately falling asleep on the way home. I made the mistake of changing from our usual seat 3 rows from the back to the very last pew. It was a huge mistake. Chris and I used to laugh and laugh because there was this guy who sat behind us 1 or 2 rows and always belched loudly during the service. I had the priviledge of learning that is not all that he does. Gas is also flowing fre...

16 Weeks

16 weeks have flown by. I remember while pregnant with Claire if time would ever pass, but with this second pregnancy, I've been too busy to even notice that 16 weeks have already passed. Things are going well. I have gained 3 pounds, which is putting me near the maternity wear. I actually broke out a pair of pants this morning. Can't say I am too thrilled about this, but it comes with the territory. I had a 16 week appointment last week and all is well. The baby is where it should be, heartrate is good and I am in perfect condition. We discussed delivery options, yet again. I am 90% certain that I will be going for the repeat Cesarean around 38 1/2 weeks. I had a great C-Section the first time around, despite laboring for 13 hours, healed quickly and easily, and by doing so, would allow my Mom and/or sisters to be here to help with Claire and the new babe. That will be nice. The nausea is gone, I feel great, eating anything and everything--not really any cravings in particular...

Chris Update

I finally talked to Chris last night and gathered some details of his training. He is currently in a tent, sleeping on bunkbeds with the 22 other guys. They have to walk three tent lengths to go to the restroom, which is a port a potty in a tent. He says they just began heating the "bathrooms" yesterday despite the cold temps on previous days. He walks to another tent to shower. There is a building for the chowhall, which does have television, so he's been able to keep up with the world news. One day they practiced riding in convoys, identifying roadside bombs, another day walking through town desiphering the "good" guys from "bad" guys and shooting appropriately. Soon they will be practicing riding in a convoy through live fire. I thought it sounded rather interesting, but I suppose it is in practice--not so much live. He thinks he may wrap up training a day earlier, which would allow Claire and I to meet him for a night. Although he continues to say ...


My Grandma Arlene was a great baker and cook. She introduced our family to a homemade oreo cookie recipe years ago that EVERYONE loves. Claire and I decided to make some for her Daddy and his friends at training (over 3 dozen). We will ship them off tomorrow, hopefully in time for him to receive them when he returns from his week long camping expedition. I know he will appreciate the little taste of home. Claire had to try her first Oreo too. She liked them, continually saying "mmmmm." I am giving the rest to some friends at school.