16 weeks have flown by. I remember while pregnant with Claire if time would ever pass, but with this second pregnancy, I've been too busy to even notice that 16 weeks have already passed. Things are going well. I have gained 3 pounds, which is putting me near the maternity wear. I actually broke out a pair of pants this morning. Can't say I am too thrilled about this, but it comes with the territory. I had a 16 week appointment last week and all is well. The baby is where it should be, heartrate is good and I am in perfect condition. We discussed delivery options, yet again. I am 90% certain that I will be going for the repeat Cesarean around 38 1/2 weeks. I had a great C-Section the first time around, despite laboring for 13 hours, healed quickly and easily, and by doing so, would allow my Mom and/or sisters to be here to help with Claire and the new babe. That will be nice. The nausea is gone, I feel great, eating anything and everything--not really any cravings in particular. I just want what I want when I want it. Chris and I have been tossing around some names. It is such a challenge this time around. It took us awhile to come up with names the first time around, but it seemed like there were many options to consider. I don't feel that this time around. I cannot find a girl's name that screams out to me, but I think we may be nearing a boy's name--BUT KEEPING IT A SECRET! We were an open book with our first pregnancy, so we are keeping things a bit low this time--at least for awhile.