Claire and I ventured to church by ourselves this morning. I was actually kind of emotional about it, oddly enough. We belong to a fairly small church, where the pastor comes around and makes it a point to visit with nearly everyone. I was concerned he'd ask about Chris, which typically brings tears to my eyes. He did and I did, but thankfully Claire stepped up as the center of attention. Thank God for little kids! They have excellent timing. Church was awesome. Claire sat or snuggled through the entire service with nothing louder than a little singing coming from her lips. She was so tired by the end, immediately falling asleep on the way home. I made the mistake of changing from our usual seat 3 rows from the back to the very last pew. It was a huge mistake. Chris and I used to laugh and laugh because there was this guy who sat behind us 1 or 2 rows and always belched loudly during the service. I had the priviledge of learning that is not all that he does. Gas is also flowing freely. Nasty!! I about died. The smell of raw sewage mixed with a lovely hymn is an experience I'd rather not have again. I will be moving on up!