claire and i took mya in for her one year check-up. it was quite the adventure as she was into everything. so much has changed since she turned one. she seems to be two times the trouble maker that she was and twice as fast. needless to say, i am on my toes and thankfully, claire is quite the rule enforcer, so i have back-up. the kiddo is doing great. she is on track for all of her milestones and growing like a weed. good news is that she is still on the charts. i have a sneaking suspicion that her growth patterns are going to be very similar to claire's as there is very little difference between the two when comparing mya and claire at one year.
here are her stats:
height--29 inches (50th %ile)
weight--20# 4 oz. (40th %ile)
head circumference --48 cm (95th %ile)
she had all of her vaccines and was tested for lead. it was a sad little visit, but she did great. claire was an eagle eye this time, taking notes and asking questions. i think she knows her time is coming.