My poor blog has become such a mish mash of randomness. I suppose it echoes life in many ways. We are pretty random. ;) The flu came and left 4 days later. Yes, FOUR, bloody days, later. Ugh. Claire did end up getting sick--on Monday night no less. I had somehow protected the duvet on my bed through all of Mya's frequent "bursts," but Claire saw to it that every blanket, sheet, piece of fabric, had been tainted! She was pretty much normal by mid morning Tuesday, so the disinfecting began. We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more. I went to my monthly book club date Thursday evening. I had a great time visiting with the crew. I am not much for contributing/large group socialization, but I enjoy listening to other points on the book. We read "Homeless Bird." The book is about a 12 year old girl who undergoes an arranged marriage, telling about her trials/tribulations with her new life. I thought it was quite good. It certainly made me appreciate my life/cultu...