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Oh What a WEEK!!

there is nothing like some hometown reading courtesy of my Mom!

Claire after she mastered one puzzle from Grammy and Papa.

My poor baby. Love the snuggling, though.

Our little naked babies. They looked like this most of the day and today wore their jammies all day. Claire was quite confused ;)
Wow. Ever have one of those weeks where you can only say, "thank goodness this week is OVER?"!! This has been one of those for us. It has been crazy! The base conducted another exercise, which means long hours for Chris, consisting of early mornings, late evenings and few hours of family time. I really hate these weeks. Chris is not able to do anything other than work, which leaves the errands to me. The service engine light came on in my car, which also means that I get to add car mechanic to my to do list! Ha. (I pulled out the manual and completed two of the suggestions--hasn't returned. Keeping my fingers crossed.)
The health plan has slipped a bit. I've had a bit of sugar, a few bites of potatoes, and I only hit the treadmill twice this week (I did run easily for 30 minutes straight, though. Major improvements!!). I am down an additional 1.6 pounds for the week. I also had 3 big compliments about how great I am looking and of course, the questions around what I am doing. Love those comments the most--from  those who have no idea of your hard work, but see the results. That was such a great feeling. I am also down 2 pants sizes!! Yippee!!
I've debated taking down my etsy site, just  for awhile, so I can get caught up on other things that are weighing on my guilty conscience. Just when I was okay with doing so, I got 2 orders--one bigger and one small and yes, within the same day. Ugh. Now I am torn again. I love making the invites and hearing all the positive feedback, but I'd love seeing my completed scrapbooks too. Ha. Guess we'll let it ride for awhile longer.
The highlight to our week was a giant package we received in the mail from my parents. It is deserving of its own post, but that will have to wait. Claire thought Christmas had returned! Ha. She tore open the puzzles, which had irregular borders. I thought they'd be somewhat challenging for her, but she had them all done in no time. Mya loved the little books where she can go through and name all the objects--definitely her favorite thing to do. They both tore into the grocery store items and teaparty stuff.  I had to put the cart together right away. They loved it. They shared so well, but definitely need a lesson in "playing grocery store." Topping off our week was poor Mya coming down with the flu. Hearing a nearly two year old vomit is just slightly worse than hearing an adult. Neither Chris nor I do well with the sound or smell. Yah, we were gagging in the middle of the night on Friday while we were stripping her bed, giving her a shower and trying to lay down the necessary precautions. Saturday was more of the same, but she was good to go after 4:00. I thought it had all passed. Boy was I wrong. We dropped Chris off on Sunday morning and it all started again. She drinks water continuously, but hasn't been able to keep anything down in terms of saltines, etc. I also had the pleasure of waking with the flu this morning as well. I truly feel I am living a nightmare right now. Mya wants to snuggle and sleep (she's been sleeping like a newborn, which is slightly worrisome too), but poor Claire wants to play and give hugs and kisses. Poor girl. I feel so bad that she has been entertaining herself and watching alot of tv. Just can't juggle both of their needs by myself. I am really missing Chris through this ordeal.  I broke down today, yucky stomach and all and finished the cupcakes that Claire has been talking about for days. Hopefully that gave her a little joy in this sad weekend. I am pleased to say that Claire is showing no signs of the flu, so hopefully she stays well. Not sure what tomorrow holds for us, but right now it is looking like more of the same. Sadly I had cancelled our cleaning lady this week, simply because today is a holiday and I hate being here when she is cleaning. Little did I know what type of disinfecting this infestation would require. I guess that is what this week will hold :) All in all, we are hoping for a nice, calm, relaxing week.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like its been fun so far...hope things calm down a little for you. Must be nice to receive all these car packages..I don't even get to see the hometown paper and I live in the US..WTH..

Love ya,

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