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Mish Mash

My poor blog has become such a mish mash of randomness. I suppose it echoes life in many ways. We are pretty random. ;) The flu came and left 4 days later. Yes, FOUR, bloody days, later. Ugh. Claire did end up getting sick--on Monday night no less. I had somehow protected the duvet on my bed through all of Mya's frequent "bursts," but Claire saw to it that every blanket, sheet, piece of fabric, had been tainted! She was pretty much normal by mid morning Tuesday, so the disinfecting began. We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more.
I went to my monthly book club date Thursday evening. I had a great time visiting with the crew. I am not much for contributing/large group socialization, but I enjoy listening to other points on the book. We read "Homeless Bird." The book is about a 12 year old girl who undergoes an arranged marriage, telling about her trials/tribulations with her new life. I thought it was quite good. It certainly made me appreciate my life/culture and the various freedoms that were given to us.
The girls and I enjoyed an early dinner on Friday "at the restaurant" as requested by Claire. The girl loves to eat at restaurants. If she had her way, we'd eat at one every night ;) We generally do eat out at least once during the weekend, but that's about it. I am not sure what her desire for restaurant food says for my cooking. Hmm. Perhaps it isn't the food she is desiring. The girls are showered with attention each place we go, so that could possibly be what drives her need for eating "at the restaurant." Speaking of food...I often make roasts. I love putting food in my crock pot early morning and coming home to a delicious home cooked meal. Love it! The smells are lovely too! Tenderness is hit or miss. Sometimes it is dry, sometimes it is pull-apart moist. I think it probably has to do with the cut of meat, but honestly, I can never remember what was good and what was not. Definitely miss my "ND meat" straight from our own farm.  I made a roast yesterday. It was sooooo good. Juicy. Too bad Chris wasn't here to salivate over it with me ;) Mya and Claire enjoyed it, but their appreciation isn't quite the same.

 My friend gave us a small box of clothes that her kiddo had outgrown. On top was a Hello Kitty robe. Mya saw it and said, "hewo titty." I thought I was in trouble. Having one Hello Kitty robe would be like having only one morsel of food for a flock of seagulls. Trouble. Lucky for me, Claire discovered a second one. The girls have pranced around like Hugh Hefner ever since. Mya actually wore hers to bed as she wouldn't let me take it off ;)

 Claire has a deep desire to go to my school. This has sparked her motivation to learn. Amen. I have been pretty relaxed about this whole process, knowing that she'll learn when she is ready. I am proud to say that the girl can write all of her letters, numbers, name, Mya's name, knows the sounds that most of the letters make and understands number/quantity relationships as shown above. I made a word wall in her room too, but we haven't been so faithful in moving beyond the letter "d." Someday we will get to everything on our list. Ha. She is doing so well. I am very proud of her.

Mya is a little ham. She has quite the personality. She likes to hide things and hide behind things to make us laugh. She is such a little honey. I stubbed my toe this morning and wallowed in pain for a few moments. She comes over to me, rubs my back and says "you ok momma?" love her. Here is another example. Can you find her paci?

Yep, she hides it in her shirt. Old ladies put tissues in theirs, so why can't a girl put a paci inside? ;)
This was last evening. The scenerio: no naps, so Mya fell asleep on the floor. I was making dinner. Mya woke up, the girls came in to eat. I put Mya in her chair. Moments later she looked at me with shock in her eyes. Um, yeah. Liquid seeped to the floor. No diaper. How I didn't see that when I put her in the chair is beyond me. Oiy! It was kind of funny, actually. Nasty, but funny.

4 more weeks of this TDY. I really miss my husband. He's helpful at making sure our children at least have covered bums ;)


Anonymous said…
Love the robes..they are so darn cute. Poor Mya needs to come visit her auntie so she doesnt have to don her own diaper..ha ha

Love ya,
christopher said…
Missing all of my girls terribly...
Anonymous said…
The girls are getting soo cute! I wish I could see them! Mya is quite the little character. I bet she will be tons of fun when I see her!
Anonymous said…
I wub doze hewo titty wobes. Foster and Mya must come from the same speech learning school. Being a good speech therapist, I know I shouldn"t get such delight from it, but I do!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, forgot to sign my name. Love Karen

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