When you think about having children, you never ever imagine that you are capable of loving someone as much as you love your husband. Then you have them. The love you feel for them is different than that which bonds a husband and wife. A deeper, stronger, different kind of love. These girls are my life. They are my everything. They are the perfect blend of Chris and I. Sure, I exist apart from being a mother, but their happiness, breath, love, laughter, and being, consumes the majority of my day. They simply mean the world to me. I can't imagine my life with greater joy than that which is brought by my children. Being a Mom has changed my life in the most unimaginable, amazing way. I am such a better person because of Claire and Mya. They push me to be the best 'me' I can be. They make me laugh, make me cry, make me smile, make me imagine, make me believe, make me doubt, make me remember and make me happy. How two beautiful beings are capable of such intense feeling is amazing. Obviously we are so blessed and so very thankful to call these two our own. God is so good.
The Halloween festivities are in full swing here. We attended a "Fall Festival" at my school on Thursday evening and today we enjoyed a "fall festival" at the girls' school. We've managed to keep their costumes a secret until Wednesday when Claire spilled the beans. She was doing so well at keeping the secret, I almost thought she wasn't our child for awhile ;) Claire dressed as "Pinkalicious" and Mya was a cupcake. My Mom and Dad bought Claire the book, "Pinkalicious" for her first birthday. It has been an on-going hit with our girls. They both have the entire book memorized. It is such a cute book where this girl named "Pinkalicious" loves pink. She eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink, which she is thinks is simply beautiful then red, which is less than favorable. She eats her vegetables to turn alleviate her pain. In the meantime, her little brother is envious and devours the last one, then turns pink too. It is a ...
Love the pics..where are the rest? I want to see them all! Why don't you ever call! I will be home all day tomorrow except at night so call me! I work this weekend so tomorrows your day!
lOve ya,
love ya,J