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3 Action Packed Years!

Mya, Mya, Mya. Where has time gone? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating your first birthday in our temporary apartment in MA with our good friends, shortly after Daddy made his way on his Korean adventures. But it was not yesterday. Here we are--2 whole years later. Hard to believe you are 3. My baby. Wow! We've shared an adventurous three years. We've traveled to the other side of the world, experienced all that it has to offer and soon we will make our way to the next unknown. You've experienced far more amazing, culturally enriching activities than I could have ever hoped for a lifetime, yet alone at the age of 3. We are so blessed.

I am told over and over again how you are a miniature version of me. Strangers evaluate our family and point out how you look just like me. I am also repeatedly reminded by Papa and a few others how you have a personality that was very similar to mine. Papa swears you are a spitting image of me as a child. Perhaps this is why you have the capability of driving me absolutely nuts! Ha. You have an attitude like no other. You are a presence. You say the cutest things, have the biggest eyes and want nothing more than to soak in everything your big sister has to teach you. You are stubborn to the nth degree, eat pretty much everything, act like a 17 year old trapped in the body of a 3 year old. Life with you is never dull. In school the other day, children were asked to bring in an old pair of shoes. This totally slipped my mind, but I was told you'd be given a leftover shoe to paint. Much to my surprise, there was quite the story to hear when I picked you up later that day. Evidently, everyone sat down at the tables to get ready to paint. The children gathered their old pair of shoes, while you reached for the one on your right foot, took it off and started creating your masterpiece. Yep. Just a nice pair of Stride Rite shoes made a wee bit, um, nicer ;) Ms. Sue quickly salvaged what was left of your shoe and gave you an "old" one to finish. Oiy. That's my girl--all about the fun!

You have become a bit shy around those less familiar. This is a huge shift as you used to be a social seeker-saying "hello" to everyone in your path. Not so much anymore. You need to be prompted to greet people in the BX. The shop keepers there love to talk to you, hold you and give you hugs, but you are more hesitant than before.

You have learned so much this year. You know how to pedal a bike, you can manipulate an Ipod/Ipad like a 30 year old, you have been potty trained (which was quite the challenge), learned colors, some letters, counting and quite a few phrases/songs in Korean. Your language has grown so much this year. You say the darndest things. One example off the top of my head is when you brought home a flower from school for Mother's Day. We were riding in the car when I hear you say, "oh boy, you are gorgeous." I asked you who you were talking to and you said the flower. Funny kid. You fear very little. You'll try anything. I love every little thing about you.

You have quite the personality. You do your best to make people laugh and when you aren't doing that, you are showing off your own cute little laugh. You can be the sweetest thing ever. You have a nurturing side that is second to none. You are constantly patting your babies backs or one of ours, doing my hair, kissing our faces and passing along your love and affection.

You are totally obsessed with ants and bugs lately. You try to collect them everywhere we go--walking to our car, walking from the car, playing outside, on and on. Ants and bugs are everywhere. I've finally convinced you that we can't bring them in the car with us, but that doesn't stop you from taking the time to find them, then squatting over them for the next 5 minutes, watching them intently. You love bugs!

You are also obsessed with shoes. This has been ongoing for quite sometime, but I've never shared. You don't like being barefoot. You wake up and put on a pair of shoes--sometimes yours, sometimes your Dad's, sometimes Claire's. Whose they are doesn't really matter to you, you just simply like to wear the variety. You are constantly changing your shoes and are very particular about which ones you will wear on any given day. Right now, you are loving your "light up shoes." I can't say I am particularly fond of this preference as they are your tennis shoes and well, tennis shoes and dresses aren't quite the stylish combination I had in mind, but I let it go. You win this battle. I get the outfit I want and you get the shoes you want. Win, win.

Your toys of preference are your babies, followed by magnatiles, dollhouse and books/puzzles. You really are all about your babies. I thought that phase may pass, but no. You push them in strollers, feed them, cover them in blankets, tote them everywhere you go. Your love for them makes my heart melt. You are such a kind hearted soul.

Three years has come and gone so quickly. Before long, I know I'll be looking back with bigger tears in my eyes, wanting once again to stop the hands of time; however, I can't wait to watch as you mold your life into something wonderful. Your Daddy and I will be right beside you, cheering you on each step of the way.
We love you, Myamooshki--our sweet girl with big attitude!


Anonymous said…
Absolutely beautiful! She melts my heart everytime I see pictures of her & hear the stories you post. Thank you for sharing!
Alison said…
Happy Birthday, Mya!! You are growing into a beautiful young lady :-)
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday sweet princess!!!!!

love you
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday mya! We love you so much! Wish we could've been with you to celebrate! We will make up for it when you come to visit! Jackson is looking forward to his second little mama!

Love ya, auntie Jessica

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