Dearest Claire,
Wow, 180 or so school days have passed and I am once again at this tear filled place as I drop you off for your LAST day of kindergarten. You have surpassed our expectations and conquered kindergarten. I think it is accurate to say that you have enjoyed each and every minute of this experience and truly look forward to resuming school in the fall.
You started the year in Landstuhl with Ms. Lee. She was a wonderfully loving teacher who obviously knew what a gem you were. She started you on chapter books after having you in class for three days and opened my eyes to the success you would experience. I was sad that you had to leave her class as we transferred you to Ramstein, but looked forward to our ride together each morning. I anticipated seeing you walking in line with your friends, offering a quick hug or high five as we passed in the hallway and dropping into your classroom to enjoy the special activities. What a wonderful year it has been! Ms. Asher has been equally wonderful. Her calm and organized nature helped you flourish.
Here are some stats:
Fall 2012:
Reading Level: A
Local Math Assessment: 9/20
Star Early Literacy: 560
Spring 2013:
Reading Level: I+ (this is the max that is allowed to test for kindergarten assessment purposes)
Local Math Assessment: 19/20
Star Early Literacy: 716
They also completed a screening for math leveling and you were in the end of 1st grade! Woo hoo!!
You are in the top 3 of your class. Daddy and I could not be more proud.
Love ya, j