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32 Weeks

7 more weeks to go! It cannot come soon enough! I am dying for life to get back to normal or at least reclaim my body, but obviously, super excited to meet our little guy. The girls had a birthday party for a friend this weekend and a random party goer approached me and said, "Congratulations! You're having a boy, aren't you!?" I didn't know her from Adam, so of course, she was guessing purely on the way I am carrying. I was totally excited! I do think I am gaining less weight all over like I did with the girls,  but I certainly do not possess that cute little basketball in the front either. He is getting to be one big beach ball! I've gained 30 pounds so far and would love to stick to that.

We had an ultrasound this morning and we decided to bring the girls. They were so excited! Claire mentioned that in previous pictures, the little dude looked more like a dog than a baby. She was really hoping things have changed. And changed, they did! He is looking great! I'd say he looks alot like Mya, which means--another mini me! I'd be totally excited about that ;) However, I'd say Claire is a beautiful child as well, so either way, we could not go wrong. Everything is developing well. He is nestled up on my placenta, so it was a challenge to get some 4D facial pictures. He finally cooperated a bit. We watched him take some breaths too. His heartbeat was 142 and he was measuring one week ahead at 33 weeks. Right now, he weighs 4 lbs. 9 oz. Basically, we are good to go if he should decide to make an early appearance. We also made a decision on his arrival date. Drumroll please.....March 21, 2014 is the day we will finally be a family of 5!! This is such a strange situation. We've waited so long to get pregnant, watch this little guy grow and develop, thinking the delivery day will never come. Now we are just 7 short weeks away. I only have 7 short weekends until the sleepless nights begin! Wahoo! So excited! Mya and Claire are dying! I try to remind them occasionally that the little guy isn't going to be very exciting right away. I am not sure they are truly prepared for all the sleeping, eating and pooping, but I am doing my best to get them there. On the way back from the appointment this morning, Claire says, "I am so excited for Mya." I asked her why and she said, "Well now she'll have a real baby to play babies with." Ha. So true. I carried on with my little speech about what to expect from him and she said, "It's okay. I am a really good singer. You can just wake me up during the night and I'll come and sing to him. He'll like that and stop crying. I know it." She is such a sweet child.

I've continued to be blessed with great sleep.  I do wake up during the night, but I return to sleep just as quickly. I don't have any odd cravings, just really can't handle the smell of deep fried foods. I can eat them, just can't smell them.

I think we are pretty much ready to welcome him into the world. His bedding is being made as we speak. I picked up a rocker and ordered fabrics for a cushion to be made as well as a pouf ottoman. I have prints in mind for the walls and picked up a couple other decorative touches for his room. We have been set on clothing for awhile, but it dawned on me that we didn't have any swimwear, so I quickly ordered a couple of pairs this weekend. We tend to live at the pool as our kiddos take swimming lessons all year round, so these swimshorts are a must!

We are in full planning mode for summer. I've finally decided not to have my Mom come to help out when the baby arrives. I am much more laid back about this one, knowing the girls will both be in school, I won't have a dog to tend to and Chris will definitely be available. So much is different this time around than with Mya's birth! The kiddos and I are heading back to ND this summer for a few weeks. We'll spend time with my parents, take on the few hour drive to Bismarck and possibly, if I am feeling extra adventurous, head to Montana for a visit. I am not excited about road triping with a 3 month old and 2 other small children by myself, but I am dying to see my sisters and their families! Maybe I can convince my nieces and nephew to tag along as babysitters for the journey to Montana. To wrap up an awesome summer, it sounds like my parents are going to fly back with us and join us on a cruise! I am super excited. Chris may or may not be joining us in ND. We aren't certain yet as it is contingent on the approval of his retirement. Every 2 years (it was every year when we were in Korea) my job offers a free trip back to my home of record (Boston) for me and my dependents. This is our year!  A semi-free trip to the States. We'll still have to pick up the tab from Boston to North Dakota, but it will be minimal compared to the cost of 4 international flights.

7 weeks is going to fly by! I cannot wait.


Anonymous said…
Can't wait to meet the little guy! We are super excited! Not to mention you will share in my pain of sleepless nights. Hopefully, he is a good, easy going baby. Lots of March birthdays... Olivia and Jackson will be happy the babe is in their company.

Love ya, J
Erin said…
Dear Baby Boy,

Please be a good sleeper for your mother. Do not take after your friends (who you have never met) Conor and Colin. They are terrible sleepers and their mom doesn't wish sleepless nights on your family! Sleep deprivation means no blog updates!

Anonymous said…

You are lookin' great! I can't wait to meet my new little nephew! I hope he's ready for Mya's lovin'.

Love ya, Lo

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