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Five Months

Gavin is officially five months old! He has grown and changed so much this past month. He is sitting for a short time unassisted. He loves to bounce in his exersaucer, drools constantly and mouths anything he can get his little hands on. Gavin smiles at the sight of his sisters and sometimes his parents. He laughs when tickled too. Gavin is looking at books when we read to him, touching the pages and according to Claire, turns the pages. He loves to snuggle, face out in the stroller so he can take in the view and hates, hates, hates the carseat. Gavin has rolled both from front to back and back to front now, wiggles/scoots backwards and still enjoys the swing.

He is eating 6 oz. of milk per bottle, wearing size 2 diapers, and growing into 6 mo. clothing.

Gavin was baptized this month at the same church I was baptized as a baby. His Godparents are his Aunties Lauren, Lisa and Uncle Phil.

Gavin completed his second international flight this month as we returned from our 5 week vacation to the States. He was once again, a trooper. Pretty much a perfect baby, sleeping, eating or sitting contently the entire trip. We couldn't have asked for more.

We transitioned Gavin into his crib. We did this out of desperation more than anything as jet lag, then his 4 month sleep regression struck and consumed both Chris & I. He typically sleeps a 5 hour leg, then wakes every hour or two until 7 when we wake up. It is rough and I will not be sad when this phase is over. We typically bring him into our bed when he wakes up around 2 am as running back and forth each hour is not conducive to functioning the next day.


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