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9 months

This post is long overdue, but as with most things lately, I am behind and trying desperately to catch up! My dearest Gavin, you are 9 months old! You have changed so much and have begun doing some amazing things this month.
We've been battling colds and runny noses. Some of which relate to your teething. You have 6 teeth--4 on top and 2 on the bottom. Everyone is constantly commenting on your little chompers as you now have the toothiest grin. It is adorable.
Now that you have some beautiful teeth, we've made the final adjustment to only eating finger foods. You can feed yourself for the most part and eagerly anticipate each meal. You particularly love blueberries, yogurt, fried rice, pancakes, cheerios, and bananas. We've also transitioned to sippy cups. It was a battle at first, but probably because you just weren't ready, but you use one all day at Ms. Natalie's house and we use one at home for meals. I am not quite ready to give up the bottle yet. Perhaps I am desperately trying to hold onto the remaining pieces of babyhood that seem to be slipping through my fingers. You are growing up too quickly and while I love every  moment, I want to savor them.
Gavin, you are wearing size 3 diapers, 9 month clothing, but 12 month jammies. Your growth has slowed down a tad this month. Daddy took you for your 9 month well baby visit and you are growing/developing right on track. Here are your stats: weight--19.4# (25th %ile); height--27.7 in. (25th %ile); head circumference--18.3 in. (78th %ile).
You are cruising everywhere. We've tried to get you walking, but you just aren't confident in taking that leap. You cling to our legs or fingers, but will stand for up to 10 seconds independently. You will likely be an early walker.We will see. You love balls. I guess you get that from your cousin, Jackson :) We roll the ball to you and you push it back. So much fun to have playful interactions with you. You are into exploring and climbing stairs. If we leave the door that separates our living room and foyer open, you take off and head for the stairs. You love to climb them.You also love to get into the trash cans and cupboards. It drives me crazy! You recently discovered the water cooler, so that is also a high interest activity. You move on over there and pull the lever down, watching the water pool below. What a little stinker!
Gavin you are babbling so much! You do say Mama. I LOVE IT! We've been trying to encourage Dada, but it just isn't there yet. In fact, you don't do much on demand. You do as you wish.
Sleep is improving each month. You are able to sleep through the night and do so inconsistently. We lay you down at 6:30-7:00 and sometimes you wake at 4:00 while other times you sleep until 6:30. It is never a certainty, but either way, you do well. We just bring you into our bed and you go right back to sleep. I can't say I mind waking up with you next to me. Napping is another story. While you nap 2 times per day, the length of those naps are highly inconsistent. Oh well. I am okay with that too. Nighttime is what matters to me.
You are pretty laid back. You go with the flow as you are swept away to violin lessons, basketball practice or the gym. You do as you need. Smiling and taking it all in. We laugh as you smile like both Mya & Claire used to--scrunchy nose and all. Ms. Natalie calls you "scrunchy face" every morning when I drop you off and you greet her with a smile. You love Ms. Natalie. You've begun to make strange with others, clinging to Daddy and I, but thankfully, you transition to Ms. Natalie like she's your 2nd Mama. I appreciate that as I know she loves you like her own. We've upgraded to a Tula baby carrier, which has been a lifesaver for me. Europe isn't always conducive to strollers, so wearing you is the way to go. I prefer wearing you most of the time, which is so different than when your sisters were young. We never wore them beyond the first few months. You are totally happy in the stroller or carrier. Again, a perfect fit to our family.
Gavin, you love playing with balls, climbing on the little rocking chair that was mine as a child, reading books, watching and playing with the car ramp, and stacking building blocks onto one other. You are thrilled to see your sisters each day when school is finished. They are your primary source of entertainment as they make you their real live baby. Mya is convinced that you love her kitchen. I think you just love to explore.
Another month has passed. I see other Mama's with their wee little babies and honestly, cannot remember life at that point. It is amazing how quickly I have forgotten. I am just thankful that you are healthy, happy and such a perfect little person. We try to take it all in, savoring every little thing for both Daddy and I know, that in the blink of an eye, you will be seven. You are such an amazing blessing. We couldn't be more in love with you.


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