The Christmas season would not be complete without "A Christmas Story." I was first introduced to this classic by my parents, but my more recent memories are from my Mom. She loves this movie. I watch it once per season and quite honestly, once is all I can handle. TBS does the 24 hour replay, which is enough to drive me crazy. I bring up this movie because I am having a "Red Rider BB Gun" kind of Christmas. I don't want the gun because as we all know, I'll shoot my eye out too (I am the queen of clutz), but I do want one thing....All I want for Christmas is a Canon Digital Rebel XTI. The problem is that Chris and I don't give each other gifts. We stopped doing so about six years ago, knowing that we buy basically everything we want/need. However, since buying a house, new vehicle, having our baby and trying to save for her college and our retirement, our gifts to ourselves aren't what they used to be. SOOOOO, I am relying on the "big guy" for this gift. I can picture myself in the movie, sitting on his lap, telling him that I want a CANON DIGITAL REBEL XTI (which coincidentally has the same number of syllables as the title of his BB gun). Santa then says some snide comment to me and his lovely elves push me down the slide. I guess I will keep on dreaming, hoping and praying----or maybe make a quick trip to the mall to visit our local Santa.
13 days till we meet again!
Love ya,